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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Damned things are cursed, I say. I found my first antibiotics today and then promptly walked off the roof of a hospital. COINCIDENCE!?
  2. Good story. Really isn't spawn camping though. The guy could have just walked in and seen you as you were loading. If I walked into a hospital tent and saw an unknown you better believe I'd fill him with holes. I've never been infected but I actually found my first antibiotics today. Felt pretty special. Then I walked off the roof of the hospital, oh well.
  3. That's the point where I just log off. When my buddies want to play I'll tell them to meet me around where I logged. "By the way, you might want to swing by a hospital. Ya know, just in case.." "Oh noz, I log in and my legs are broken! Good thing you guys picked up all these juicy med supplies!"
  4. It would be pretty funny but I doubt it. Hell, I'm surprised there aren't 20 Day Z clones announced at this point.
  5. Thanks Lith, I appreciate it. Now I just need to make my way over to Balota and snipe your ass. :D
  6. So Balota is engulfed in flames right now. Am I missing something?