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About imbshappie@gmail.com

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. imbshappie@gmail.com

    Kill all bronies.

    Huh. Never would've guessed.
  2. imbshappie@gmail.com

    Kill all bronies.

    Holy shit this is seriously the best thread on the forums right now. I haven't laughed this much in awhile! I cannot wait to see this, please somebody FRAPS the whole thing. I want to hear the bronies'(sp?) final neigh as their superiors put them down. Feel free to overanalyze the previous sentence, Mr. Psychology. The white knight bronies in this thread are hilarious. The point isn't to ruin other people's fun. The point is to have fun. If the bronies don't want to die in a game where killing is the general pastime, they should probably go back to My Little Pony Island Adventure. That, or defend themselves. This is awesome. I am eagerly awaiting the result, one way or the other.
  3. imbshappie@gmail.com

    Stop calling yourself a bandit

    Gotcha. If it isn't changed in the standalone version I'd just think of it this way. Seeing as how it's the zombie apocalypse, obviously the already 'bad' people that exist will become worse. I would think that in that current state, the term bandit could be interpreted different ways. More than likely it would still refer to being robbed and things like that but in this hypothetical future I think people would use terms like bandit to describe the ones that rob and kill you as well. That said, my guess is that it's 'bandit' simply because it works for the game. It sounds kind of cool and for the people who are bandits can say proudly "I'm a bandit". Saying "I'm a murderer." would be more accurate but hardly has the same feel and connotation. I think the most appropriate term to replace bandit should be highwayman. Seems like it fits a little better with how the word is used in books/movies/tv.
  4. imbshappie@gmail.com

    Stop calling yourself a bandit

    You didn't answer my question. Why do you care what people call themselves? You can certainly play the game any way you want (hence the 'to each their own') but I'm simply wondering why this is such a big deal to you since you don't even interact with bandits, aside from self preservation I assume. Don't take this as me attacking your stance. I just want to see your side of the argument, putting aside the literal and interpretive definition of the word 'bandit'.
  5. imbshappie@gmail.com

    Another one of those threads about those threads

    If only there was some sort of forum where we could report cheaters! Oh, you need evidence? Fuck that, spam general discussion!
  6. imbshappie@gmail.com

    Stop calling yourself a bandit

    That's fun? To each their own I guess but this begs the question: Why do you care so much about what people call themselves if you don't even actively participate in ANY of it? You sit in the woods, kill pigs, cook them, eat them, kill a few zombies, and just suddenly decide "I really don't like how this term 'bandit' is being used." ? Just trying to find some logical thought in this.
  7. imbshappie@gmail.com

    Stop calling yourself a bandit

    Holy fuck, it's a game. Stop analyzing words in a dictionary just because it doesn't fit the definition EXACTLY. What a dumb thread.
  8. imbshappie@gmail.com

    Pile of Guns

    Most likely somebody was loot cycling. Loot won't respawn unless the spot is empty so people pick up everything and dump it in one spot. That way the new loot can spawn.
  9. imbshappie@gmail.com

    Dayz unplayable due to hackers

    He's saying you're an idiot for making another thread about hackers because there are already 500 threads saying the exact same thing.
  10. imbshappie@gmail.com

    Why the hell are there so many guns?

    Uhh actually the Bizon is very good for zombies. Shoot them in the head once and they die and you won't pull any additional aggro due to the whole 'silenced' thing.
  11. imbshappie@gmail.com


    Yes, exactly this. I can't believe that this is considered 'regular'. Free rangefinders for everyone? With names? Lame!
  12. imbshappie@gmail.com


    I love to practice with the Lee Enfield. The distance is obviously going to be short range (~400ish meters. My farthest killshot was 416 meters.) but it will definitely help you learn the bullet drop physics. When you can snipe at a teeny tiny dot, see the bullet hit the ground and adjust from there to get a kill, without a scope, you're doing it right. If you're looking for a good practice spot I would recommend the top of the Elektro hospital. The only real danger is from snipers on Dobry and even then it can be a pretty difficult shot to hit you from there. The air conditioner box things on the roof make for some fairly decent cover. But you should definitely expect to die. It's just a really nice vantage point over the school and surrounding area. The school especially. I use third person to scope the area though so if that isn't your thing, this spot might not be for you. Plus, it's free kills for you when someone thinks they can get easy medical loot on the roof. I also play on veteran servers so you can't see nameplates/distances. Hope this helps!
  13. imbshappie@gmail.com


    I was getting rage-y from reading all these "WAHH HACKERS" threads but god damn did this make me laugh. :lol:
  14. Wait, there's hackers in this game? And it needs to be fixed? Wow, we should make like 500 threads about this and spam the fucking forums day and night. Then I bet rocket will get off his lazy nonworking ass!
  15. imbshappie@gmail.com

    Hackers have destroyed this game

    Guys, you realize they're still working on things like finishing the game, right? I'll say what I've said in another thread: We have the privilege to play Day Z right now. Rocket could have just as easily not released anything but videos and screenshots. Or even less than that. But no, he released a rough, unfinished alpha to us. He didn't need to. He's even giving us free updates as they come. How fucking awesome is that? How many games have any of you been involved with at the alpha stage? Getting rid of the hacking is probably high on their extremely long list of things to do but, good god, understand that it takes time to create a game. It takes time to squash bugs. It takes time to add features. And it takes time to fix engine vulnerabilities.