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About monkeyofthespud@gmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. monkeyofthespud@gmail.com

    Major lag when zooming in with right mouse click

    what graphics card are you running
  2. monkeyofthespud@gmail.com

    Seananners using hacked in weapons and vehicles

    hey guys listen shut the fuck up all of you kay
  3. monkeyofthespud@gmail.com

    Recruiting More Players!!!

    1. 16 2. m16 3. mid range not to close or far but can handle my self at any range 4. I have probly played arma then most others in dayz playing it since arma2 first came out plus i ahve a server you guys can call home 5. m16 skype i rather not post publicly only to you guys privately
  4. monkeyofthespud@gmail.com

    Dayz - US 1370

    i said that because i own that server so yeah
  5. monkeyofthespud@gmail.com

    Dayz - US 1370

    if i where you i would give that all to meh
  6. monkeyofthespud@gmail.com

    Zero if you are reading this, I hope you survived.

    i am the admin of that server that sounds like a very cute story
  7. monkeyofthespud@gmail.com

    The CSF (chernarus Special Forces)

    Before the outbreak the CSF (Chernarus Special Forces) was one of chernarus most advanced teams. Now with the outbreak they have a new goal to help the people of chernarus setting up safe zones and protecting the survivors of chernarus from bandits and zeds. Goal list Reestablish communication with the survivors of the CSF (if you would like to join add atst400 on steam his name should show as Gordan Ramsay or pm here on the dayz fourms) We have no age requirement we do require you be good at arma2 you well be tested on the vanilla game and will be assigned team leaders in the field that will watch and record your work in DayZ Establish a base of operations We do have a server that will be used as a home and we hope to have a camp to run operations out of and maybe a secure trading camp for merchants Patrols Patrols will be run regularly on the server to make sure the Citizen of chernarus are safe patrols will most likely be run in large groups because Chernarus can often be filled with bandits and survivors and can be hard to tell the difference Outsourcing After securing our home server will will begin to help outside of our server doing jobs for people ranging from simple vip security to taking out a bandit camp any request can be made for a price food medical supplies weapons empty tin cans almost any type of resource in dayz can be traded for our services. Also any other ideas you guys might have just post below thanks.