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About jupsto

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  1. I do play on hardest mode servers, but you can bet any real power gamer pker is going to go to easy mode servers to farm all his items where its way easier, then switch to my hard server and have an advantage over me. so actually you couldn't be more wrong. the only way separate difficulties is acceptable is with different main servers/databases, which at least wont happen in alpha. I would consider all ideas except the damage one to drastically increase "realism". people are posting like the game has unflawed realism, the high level of realism compared to most games, is one of the reasons dayz is so great. but its not a sim like arma, it has some very unrealistic features too. morphine mends broken bones etc, its still a game.
  2. yeah theres really no skill in pvp in this game, even tho its a shooter. getting shot through walls, 3rd person view to see around corners, getting 1 shot from a bush other side of the valley... both killing people and getting killed is boring because of this. I mean when is it actually challenging? I've come up behind a 3 man group with a winchester, the only fun part was looking through each body for loot, its not like people can put up a fight when all I have to do is come up behind and click 3 times. 99% of the time it comes down to who saw who first, thats it. I hope its a bit different in the standalone otherwise I can't see it having the longevity they are aiming for. Here's a couple ideas how to help make it more challenging pvp, by generally making it more difficult to kill someone and not just a point and click. They need to make weapons alot less accurate, and have proper recoil. assume survivors are civilians not trained soldiers. (see project reality bf2, where taking your time and managing recoil is how to win a fire fight, not just putting cross-hair on the enemy) Sacrifice some realism in terms of weapon damage (not have people die to 1 shot to body) Enforce first person view - no crosshairs, only shooting accurately through iron sights. (aka vetern mode only) better 3d sound? idk about you but in other games I can actually tell which direction im being shot from, and when a zombie is screaming its impossible to tell how close it is on sound alone. better 3d would mean aggressors could be located. I remember being taking very inaccurate fire for along time from a distance I could hear the gun fire but could not place the direction, like I would in other shooters. its obviously not a definitive list, just some ideas. let the flaming commence!
  3. jupsto

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I love spawning with no gun but I think you should at least get a mele weapon when is this patch coming? thought it was due monday :(
  4. I get the feeling he died shortly after the fall given the bitching he does about his broken legs....just a hunch though. well your feeling is completely wrong, it was a 1 storey instant dead fall with 12000blood. I get the feeling you are a douchebag troll who just wanted the derail this thread. yes all that "bitching" = 1 sentence suggesting heal over time.
  5. well from my experience posting in internet forums it was inevitable that someone would complain that it wouldn't be realistic , so I thought I had prevented that derail but aparently not. if you find the word idiot insulting you must be fairly new to the internet/world. and back to topic it was probably a bit more than 2 metres but still. was this a bug? when I have fallen many times before due to buggy engine, it did not do 12000 blood damage.
  6. I was 12000 blood and very well supplied, was on office balcony the walls have no collision I went through them and fell off the edge (fell like what 2 metres?) and instantly died. first time i've felt really pissed off about dieing in day z, since I played full loot pvp games before. PS: and while i'm posting can we PLEASE have legs unbreak over time, broken leg may as well just respawn you if you have no morphine (and NO that is not less realistic than morphine instantly healing broken legs you idiot).
  7. jupsto

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    definitely option 2 is the best
  8. jupsto

    Low fps after the 1.7.1 update?

    its definitely a new issue when you go from 50 fps to max 8.
  9. jupsto

    Low fps after the 1.7.1 update?

    both me and my friend are getting ~8 fps on all settings atm, we both have good pc's. must be a new problem. guess we'll play pr
  10. jupsto

    dayZ = hunger games :P

    I see crpg people and yeah hunger games was way to disney with its "good guys" and "bad guys".
  11. jupsto

    Server Blacklisted: UK11

    edit: cause just read this And realised this ban was for perma light, not just a different time set. "someone who forgive a cheater (IMHO) is worst than a hacker." Lay off the crack mate.