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Everything posted by iloveburritos

  1. iloveburritos

    Just, wow.

    This game is insane. I've been playing an hour or two a day for the past three days or so, and dying regularly. I've died of dehydration probably a half dozen times, bled out another half dozen, and been murdered an additional three or four times. Through that entire time, I never even got my hands on a firearm. ...until today. I spent the first hour of my new character's life dodging other new players that were training zombies all over the effing place from one of the coastal towns. Saw an armed dude traipsing about and decided to book it in the other direction.. hiked around for about a half hour until I found a barn with 4 or 5 zombies wandering around the outside. I slow crawled myself inside and found myself a shotgun... with 3 shells. There were also a hatchet, spare painkillers and a coke in the upper floor of the barn. Scooped it all up and left. On my way out I get stuck on the barn entrance while crawling, so I stand up to step over it. This immediately alerts every fucking zombie within about 10 meters, so I book it again... until I smash into the fucking fence and get stuck in it. Sweet. So I'm standing there stuck inside of this fence flailing my arms and head around with my neck all elongating and shit, when I finally manage to wiggle out by going prone then standing a few times quickly. By this time I've been hit a few times by zombies. Either way, I get free and haul ass towards this big hill to the side of the barn. Manage to lose the zombies and get to the start of a forest throw myself prone on top of a bush and log out before I get murdered. Anyways, the entire point of the story is this: I can't believe I actually felt like I made legitimate progress. I'm like sitting there and thinking "That was pretty good. I'm happy with that session, I made progress." and then I'm like... what in the fuck? I'm happy that I got my starving dude that's rapidly bleeding out to a fucking bush with a shotgun, a can of soda, three fucking rounds and no means to hunt/find food before I die of starvation? Really? ..and oddly enough, the answer is "Yeah. Really." sThis is a repost from another forum I use. I wanted to post it here to mention that I'd freaking love some help. I've watched a few videos, keep an eye on the map, watch the forums, and all that jazz.. but I'm still having an incredibly difficult time with the game. I'm absolutely digging it (as a long time ArmA player, it's awesome to see the engine being put to such a different and cool use) and try and get game time in when I can. A few friends play, but I've had no real luck in hooking up with them, since I play during the day and early evening, and they tend to play towards night time.
  2. iloveburritos

    Just, wow.

    lol... sounds like you don't get along well with heights.
  3. iloveburritos

    Just, wow.

    I'm moving right along now. Have myself equipped with an AKM and 1911, an ALICE pack, map, and everything I need to survive in the woods for an extended period of time. I haven't even had to murder anyone (yet). Now I have to start planning out a rescue the vehicle op for some mobility, and start searching around for a few downed helis and I should be pretty set for serious raids. It's incredible how careful/paranoid you become over the course of a week or so playing this game. I went from sprinting everywhere to zig zagging across open fields or peeking around corners over and over before leaving cover to scouting out tree lines and locations for 10+ minutes before I even START to move.
  4. iloveburritos

    Just, wow.

    So I had my first actually decent session today, after dying of starvation on my last character after another half hour of gameplay. Ended up picking up some crappy pistol and two clips in my first barn. Hit a few more and found some soda, an enfield with 3 clips, and a bit of morphine - which came in handy, since I promptly broke my leg thanks to a handful of zombies that heard me leaving the barn. Ran around scouting a few deer blinds with no luck at any of them... but on my way through the woods I found a bicycle. I was absolutely ecstatic. I got on and rode around ringing my bell all over the country. Made it to the power plant on accident, looted some minor goodies and clips, and kept bicycling about. I was absolutely high on how well I was doing.. which is probably why I flew down a hill at full speed and directly into a fence. The brakes on said bicycle were not working very well, apparently. Next game. :(
  5. iloveburritos

    Just, wow.

    and the best part about that craft, is were probably happier about those beans than he was about his loot. diablo's just another day at the office.
  6. iloveburritos

    Just, wow.

    I'll certainly try that out tomorrow. I'm still not entirely positive where I am in the world, but I'll scout the coastline during the day tomorrow and try and get my bearings.
  7. iloveburritos

    Just, wow.

    Always happy to oblige a fellow a survivor. As of about 15 minutes ago, one round is down (thanks, stray Zombie) and I'm closer to starvation without a knife or matches. I have no doubt this will end well!
  8. iloveburritos

    Just, wow.

    that's what I'm hoping for. I haven't played ArmA 2 in ages, so I'm frequently finding myself lost. It's going to take some time to get my bearings back after spending all of my time in Takistan. I figure once I get to that point, I'll be in far better shape.
  9. iloveburritos

    Just, wow.

    I'm assuming you mean the screwed up formatting. That was due to it being copy and pasted from the other forum. I fixed it.