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About Mosiph420

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  1. Mosiph420

    Controversial Topic: BANDITRY IS DEAD.

    If you disagree wirh banditry I'm tryin to find a way to establish servers off the main hive where the servers are either password protected or PvP is disabled. These servers would not transfer items and may be a whole different life all together in DayZ. Allowing for Banditry and a society to exist seperately. Check out Devolution of DayZ in forumns and please leave some insight
  2. Mosiph420

    Devolution of DayZ

    I see it this way... I'll test on all points and which ever one has more consensus to it I will roll with. Seems private servers or ones off the main hive could be a way. If anyone has more info on this send me a link please. Otherwise I'm going to bring up all aspects
  3. Mosiph420

    Devolution of DayZ

    Lol Krtshv yes this thread again. But from a different angle. Also not a full rant just a half this time. But it does have valid points and I would like feedback so please do comment
  4. Mosiph420

    Devolution of DayZ

    True the game is unfinished but so far it seems as what was stated earlier. Thus the suggestion of this game being for what it is: A first/third person shooter of the most aggravating kind. I already drew up a scenario of a battle between Elektro factions and Cherno factions. Something of this nature could put DayZ beyond what I see now. Its basically, do I put 10x the time and effort conducting these things with random unsavoy people in my server. Or do I choose and pick with no fear of PvP while trying to organize this already arduous task.
  5. Mosiph420

    Devolution of DayZ

    Okay I understand that I didnt design the game but I still believe if you pay and maintain for a server in DayZ you should be able to do w/ it as you please. But I have altruistic motives in mind and I also understand others would abuse this. So back to the drawing board on that arguement. As for the the private servers could someone have more insight. Also how would I go bout contacting the right people to establish side hive databases for private servers on which you would have a different life and your inventory would be non-transferable. P.S. We will all be bandits one day.
  6. So seeing as how Admins have no powers against Bandits and that banditry is at a all time high (around 99.9%) I see the genre of this game being set in stone as first/third person shooter that has no higher aspects then survival of the fittest. Well not even fittest since there are jumpers, disconnecters, dupers, campers, spawn killers, and the such. The PvP scope of this game has limited it to this due to non-recognition of friend/foe (Bandit skins), non-communication (disabled side chat or teamspeak being listened in on), and lack of adminstrative powers (You pay for a server and maintain it but have no actual power. Needless to say your ownership can be revoked if you flex adminstrative powers). Would it be possible to filter password protected servers and making it where you spawn a different life? I saw this happen w/ the 1.7.2 update when trying to join a server. Or how bout hosting servers not on the main hive database but a side one that may cost more money? I would pay extra in order to run a server where me and mine could build. This could even lead to the organization of litched battles between factions I set up personally on my server. And yes it would be for your viewing pleasure on youtube. It would also be a positive externality to Rocket in which he wouldnt have to pay for advertising. I personally built MineCraft wonders when I played MC. And I see the creative potential in DayZ if only I didnt have to worry about the PvP side of this game. It may be what it was intended for but it could be so much more
  7. Mosiph420

    Simple Solution to Banditry

    I like this idea alot better then my idea of giving admins more power to stop bandits. I see the society part of the game impossible anymore due to the fact that shoot on sight is the golden rule in this game. These PvP players have no scope of how far this game can evolve and are limiting it to a basic genre of first/third person shooter. Whilst on the other hand other players would like just the walking dead to contend with. Maybe even have it where battles are set up. Highly impossible though with no Admin powers availabke or no recognition between friend/foe. I agree something should be done about this bandit problem or it will define this game as what it is. A no man's land where hours of hard work can be undone in a moment. If that is the case why continue playing or even buy this. The amount of frustration alone would make me wipe my hard drive of any remains of DayZ
  8. Mosiph420

    Server Incentive/ Profit Increase

    If your Rocket and you want to make Day Z a stand alone game at some point it will have to be considered if PvP should allowed to be rampant; thus limiting others v.s. a balanced way. Suggestion: The pw servers should be put on different lives like when and 1.7.2 were at a split.
  9. Mosiph420

    Server Incentive/ Profit Increase

    Ok I got that and let me make it clear its not my intention too loot a pw server to go mess w/ people on another. Pretty sure if I had my own private server I would have my hand ls full making everyrhing look so much better. I do not shoot on sight and I think bandits ruin the game. Pw servers would give not just me but a good portion of that 600k a funner way to play and it may actually stimulate sells of servers. I understand not everyone plays fair and have to resort to a cheapness of character to get their kicks. But I dont. I just wanna get what someone who pays for a server/ manages a server deserves. Why do you think people want to own a MIneCraft server. Cause they can make socities and have people donate. Not only that but the youtube videos that people take in these socities promotes the game in a way paid advertising couldnt ever do
  10. Mosiph420

    Server Incentive/ Profit Increase

    See I understand the fact that all items are transferable. But any Jumper can do the same and across the length of many servers. If the only problem people have is its shared inventory or its Rocket's game... well once again DC's ruin the game and I could care less on who owns the game. He wants to make it better well here's a way. And I'm sure your not limiting your customer. Does anyone know if servers can be hosted off the main database? So as to avoid the people who believe I will use my private server as an advantage against them (lol I worry bout Bandits so I want a bandit free server)
  11. Mosiph420

    Server Incentive/ Profit Increase

    @Krtshv I dont want unlimited power. Just the power to run my server as I see fair. Which isnt really that bad at all. Thx for the advice I'm past rant mode now and wish you luck on that Israel server. I'm always lookibg for survivors who dont abide by the shoot on sight rule so if that applies meet me in Cherno. Lol like that will happen
  12. Mosiph420

    Server Incentive/ Profit Increase

    Too the guy calling me a idiot and wanting fries. Lol yea I bet you eat alot of fries eh Gustas. Also I equate having a backbone in life with actually saying what should be done and sticking to it. If that somehow offends you to leave a jerk off comment then please I need another laugh. Ha I swear people dont stand up for anything and just accept the rules. Sheople
  13. Mosiph420

    Server Incentive/ Profit Increase

    Well thank all of yall for you feedback. I do plan on bringing this up from time to time so please be fresh cause its back to the drawing board for me. I got a vision and its gonna happen
  14. Mosiph420

    Server Incentive/ Profit Increase

    By the way think of Cherno fortified, think of heavily armed encampments owned by one faction or another. Think on trading posts in remote locations. Think of pitched battles between groups at these set up forts. It would of been on youtube but its highly impossible with the unspoken shoot on sight rule
  15. Mosiph420

    Server Incentive/ Profit Increase

    I concede it seems this is something a rant will not solve. And whoever said I was trolling I dont do that. In all honesty I was going to buy a server so me and alot of my friends could set up a colony. No bandits hassling us and we get to play the game like it could of be intended as. But it seems that is not possible from the feedback received. I guess I will just have to contend with all the jumpers, spawn killers, campers, and the sort.