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Everything posted by villagesmithy

  1. villagesmithy

    Cannot Find Servers.

    Since yesterday my steam games have been unable to find any servers. Mostly this is Arma 2 but Dota was effected as well. Now when I load Arma there is about a five second lag between when I hit multi-player and when it goes to the server screen. This is much longer then usual and when the server screen does appear there are no servers. I do not think this is an arma problem because Dota 2 will also not allow me to even search for servers. I have verified the file integrity on both. I also have tried Dayz Commander and that can also not locate any games.
  2. villagesmithy

    Cannot Find Servers.

    I have done this loads of times. I am thinking of just re installing steam...or Dota and Arma anyway.
  3. Once I found out that you can create your own custom faces I got really excited and headed directly into photoshop. I altered one of the original faces in the game popped it into my Docs and loaded into a server. When I got in the server it was all white and washed out. In fact it wasn't even the face I altered at all it had somehow changed to the default face. I did some googling and found that converting it to a .paa file should have fixed it. I downloaded Texveiw and converted it and everything however when I loaded it back in I had still the "Ghost" face. I am at a lose as to what to do and so is google. Any help would be nice. I added a Jpg of the face I am trying to use (more just so you can see it and comment then anything) I am currently working on making it a smaller size to see if that is what is screwing it up.
  4. villagesmithy

    Custom Face Washing out even with .paa

    No, I think the server would store the information then send it back to them. That's how the normal faces work anyway.
  5. villagesmithy

    Custom Face Washing out even with .paa

    Yeah I just found that out. Thanks for reading my post though.
  6. villagesmithy

    North American Trading Company

    I have some NVG's I dont care about if you have something to make worth my while...Like a SVD or a kitten.
  7. villagesmithy

    Add more & better melee weapons.

    I would like to see the hunting knife be used as a last resort type of weapon. It wouldn't do much on zombies but maybe sneaking up on other players and slitting their throat?
  8. villagesmithy

    Add more & better melee weapons.

    Chain Saws are a bad Idea... You ever use one? More often then not you would hurt your self (Chainsaws would glance off the bone probably ending up in you cutting your self). They are not made for quick swipes at flesh, instead they are used for slowly cutting through wood. Also You would arggo every zombie in the town. Base ball bats would be nice though. Or a Kukri. .
  9. Thank god you exist...I love you right now.