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About Zantron

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    On the Coast
  1. Coming back for an update: I can now play since the beta was updated, so it was just broken.
  2. Another thing that I find annoying is how many people repost the same solutions that have already been highlighted in this forum on other threads, say it works, and then say they haven't actually tested it out themselves! Thanks, but it doesn't work.
  3. Just a note to all of you having this issue: I've tried pretty much everything I have come across as a suggested fix for this and I am still unable to play. The only two options i have are 1) I can play with the newest build and get stuck on waiting for host, or 2) I can play with a previous build and crash on the loading screen when joining the game.
  4. Well I have noticed something else, when I use the 94876 beta is when the client crashes when loading(ArmA 2 REINFORCEMENTS has stopped working), if I use the most recent one it just sits at waiting for host, as if I'm connected to the server.
  5. I just redid everything, played arma2, worked, played CO, worked, but when I load into a server it says ArmA 2 OA has stopped working. So I'm guessing I need to try reinstalling OA.
  6. Where do you think I should go from here? Just wait until the next beta is released? Uninstall everything? Quit attempting to play Dayz and go on a real life murderous rampage?
  7. I've tried everything in this thread, and probably a half a dozen other threads with no results. At one point I got it to crash before starting the game, so that's a change in SOME direction. I'm back to crashing upon loading into the server. I know it's an alpha but it's incredibly frustrating to not be able to play it.