Hey all, just want to start by saying well done to Dean Hall and his team, this is truly one of the more interesting gaming experiences I've ever had. Ok, so some of my other favorite games are in the stalker series. It seems to have a similar feel despite being single player. So here is my idea. I really like the freedom of dayz and I would hate to see scipted events/content forcing you to play this like other games. Some may remember that in stalker you had random events come over your radio. It would chirp on and say something like "we need help, come to location such and such" then when you got there there was a bandit firefight etc. Not saying add AI bandits, but imagine cruising along in dayz, having a sweet time, all of a sudden an event is announced in some town you're near, a mass zombie attack, or some helicopter crash, or something. Then a countdown begins. Give it say 20 minutes. That way only people in the area can get there, on a server with say 40 people, you might get 5,6, maybe 7 people able to get there in time. Do they battle it out for the extra loot (forgot to mention) available, or work together or what? It keeps the freedom of the game and allows a greater idea of choice, do I go to the event know ing the greater risk, am I equiped to do it etc? Just a thought, let me know what you guys think.