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About byFluo

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    On the Coast
  1. byFluo

    Adrenaline/Epipen Ideas?

    No thoughts?
  2. Ok, first of all, I know, I only have like 2 posts now and I was very hesitant about clicking that start new topic button considering the amount of hate I will probably get. But I thought this might get some good feedback. I've been searching the forums and haven't really found a serious proposal of other uses of the epipen. I know a shot of an epipen wakes you up if you are knocked unconscious. But as we all know, the epipen is another name for a shot of adrenaline. A broken leg should be curable for a short amount of time, enough to get you out of trouble. But the epipen should not fully cure you, you can crouch run for a certain amount of time. But heres the catch, crouch running or full on sprinting looses substantial amounts of blood. Also you should run the risk of passing out. Crouch running should loose about maybe 100 blood every 5 or so. And full sprint should loose maybe 200 blood every 3 seconds. (I just came up with these numbers with no serious thought as in creating a scenario in my head lol, gimme suggestions on these times and I will change em on this post :D ). Another benefit should come from the epipen: Sprint speeds should be raised. Lets say your looting elektro, all you have is an enfield and you run into a zombie crossing a corner. We all know the enfield is pretty much a suicide gun considering its aggro towards zombies. You pop the epipen quickly. This should increase your sprint speed so you can get to your safety quickly. Also the epipen should add blood for a short amount of time, maybe 30 seconds, because, well it is adrenaline shot. Thanks
  3. byFluo

    Quiver for Crossbow Bolts

    How about having the quiver take up the slot of your sidearm. I feel this would both give you the advantage of holding more ammo for your crossbow, while still giving you the disadvantage of not being able to pull out your pistol.