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Everything posted by M O N S T E R

  1. M O N S T E R

    Don't jump to conclusions

    inb4 the willy wonka meme. -MONSTER
  2. M O N S T E R

    Declaring War on another Clan?

    Depends if it's shameless advertisement or not. -MONSTER
  3. M O N S T E R

    Declaring War on another Clan?

    "Listen, i'm high and I don't know what's going on - okay?" Pass my beans on to him for me? Thanks. -MONSTER
  4. M O N S T E R

    destroy tents?

    Is there a timer that kicks in to wipe them from the server if they haven't been touched in a certain amount of time since being flattened or something like that? I was just thinking that if it were the case that they never disappeared, wouldn't the whole northern half of the island be covered in empty tents by now? :lol: -MONSTER
  5. M O N S T E R

    How do I?

    Yes, because stamping your feet, huffing and puffing and crossing your arms over your chest with a mighty pout is going to make people understand. If people don't respond in the manner you expected, then ask again using specifics or rewording the entire question. Smashing caps lock is most certainly NOT THE WAY TO HELP GET YOUR POINT ACROSS. -MONSTER
  6. I don't think my body could take any more shots from that SAW, you spamming loser! That is all. -MONSTER
  7. M O N S T E R

    First Person Field of View

    Apparently you can change your FOV but when you do so, it also shortens the maximum draw distance. I could be completely wrong though. -MONSTER
  8. M O N S T E R

    I chose female gender.. but somehow Im a boy..?

    Steak gives moar GTFO -MONSTER
  9. M O N S T E R

    Hackers. Serious problem.

    inb4 "Another 'omg hax' thread." -MONSTER
  10. Interesting concept... But too late to matter~ -MONSTER
  11. M O N S T E R

    worst clan fight ever

    The Mountain Dew made them do it. -MONSTER
  12. M O N S T E R

    Win, Fail, and Goat

    I wasn't lol. -MONSTER
  13. M O N S T E R

    Killing a small group of 7

    Pics or it didn't happen! ...Is what most people would say. Instead, I'll give you beans. -MONSTER
  14. M O N S T E R

    Win, Fail, and Goat

    And then there were goats. -MONSTER
  15. M O N S T E R

    I found a Mop in Elektro

    I love this so, so much. -MONSTER
  16. M O N S T E R

    Holy hatchet spawn batman..

    It happens. -MONSTER
  17. M O N S T E R

    The fellowship is broken

    ^ Steven Spielberg Presents: Himself. In a Zombie-Apocalypse Survival. -MONSTER
  18. Fruit-loops. -MONSTER
  19. M O N S T E R

    The fellowship is broken

    They're taking the hobbits to Cherno! -MONSTER
  20. M O N S T E R

    no need to go against alt f4 :-)

    Agreed. -MONSTER
  21. People will complain as long as there is a way to inconvenience them. Law of gaming. -MONSTER
  22. M O N S T E R

    Hackers - What you need to know.

    They won't read this and they will still make more threads thinking that it's either only happening to them in particular, they've had it happen too many times for their ego to shrug off or they're too simple to search for a thread. The only way to actually have people read something like this is to link it to them personally or sticky it - both of them probably not going to happen. On a side note; I hope they DO read this. Instead of posting their own dribble. -MONSTER
  23. It's a massacre and everybody is invited! -MONSTER
  24. M O N S T E R

    Hackers - What you need to know.

    Good information - deliver it better. Beans anyway. -MONSTER