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Everything posted by M O N S T E R

  1. M O N S T E R

    Ghillie suits for females

    I'll fit right in with the cows. -MONSTER
  2. M O N S T E R

    DE 1564 - Continuously locked

    You can't overlook ANY rule being broken. If you overlook these rules, then you're pro-scripting too. Rules are there to make things as fair, stable and logical (for the most part) as possible. What's the point of any of them if people keep doing what they want regardless? -MONSTER
  3. M O N S T E R

    Went to Green Mountain...

    There be strange folk abroad. -MONSTER
  4. M O N S T E R

    DayZ Community Channel

    Agreed. -MONSTER
  5. M O N S T E R

    1 ducking quit....

    The ZOMBIES made this guy quit, out of all things? [Edit: Upon closer inspection, this looks like a troll.] -MONSTER
  6. M O N S T E R

    Finally geared up - What to do?

    Scared of losing your gear? Welcome to Day Z. -MONSTER
  7. M O N S T E R

    Happened to me this morning

    If you log out while in shock, you will log back in unconscious. -MONSTER
  8. M O N S T E R

    Humanity + Inventory glitches + Skin changes

    10/10, didn't even read. Female with towel wrapped around head. Legit. -MONSTER
  9. M O N S T E R

    [MOON] Clan = Noobs

    People that get sniped constantly and end up hating the snipers themselves, deeming them to be lacking in skill and/or courage actually just lack the skill to NOT get sniped by snipers. Back on topic; Good work beating the duo of losers. Sounds like you have a brain, OP. -MONSTER
  10. M O N S T E R


    You're welcome. -Rocket
  11. M O N S T E R

    AusDayZ Server location.

    D'aww. -MONSTER
  12. M O N S T E R

    Give us back the respawn button.

    Cyanide pills ain't cheap, boy. -MONSTER
  13. M O N S T E R

    Weapons that you wish were in the game

    Swords. Of the lightsaber variety, maybe. -MONSTER
  14. M O N S T E R

    "My" GFX-glitch solution

    Every time I see this thread, I read it as "My" ex-gf solution. I have problems. -MONSTER
  15. But who will bean my bad jokes if not you, Inception? :( -MONSTER
  16. M O N S T E R

    Is Morphine rare or what v

    No, you are just destined to die. -MONSTER
  17. M O N S T E R

    Casual Hacks.

    Needs moar drama. -MONSTER
  18. M O N S T E R

    The Curse... Is real.

  19. M O N S T E R

    Remove the Murder/Bandit Kill count

    Uhh... I think the ratio of people who boast about how many nublet kills they have to people who don't give a single care in the world about it is something around 1 : 1000. To be perfectly honest, I couldn't care less about the counter/tally system because in the end, they're just going to come back anyway. If this were a game where you only had one life and once you died you couldn't play it ever again, then sure - I'd care about how many people I forced to stop playing~ :lol: -MONSTER
  20. M O N S T E R

    Admin abuse? doubt it was a glitch...

    Scripts are fun. -MONSTER
  21. M O N S T E R

    Who's got the lowest Humanity?

    I'm at 1000 humanity. Do I win? -MONSTER
  22. M O N S T E R

    Why I host a non-hive server

    OP has my beans - entire thread would too, if I had enough to give out. Good read, thanks boys. -MONSTER
  23. M O N S T E R

    US 2129 Dallas

    D'aww. -MONSTER
  24. M O N S T E R

    Happened to me this morning

    More Predator than Day Z. I like it. -MONSTER