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About MrMadakey

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Bio
    Ive been playing since 9/7/2011 (days, months) im generally good at pc games and have took to dayZ really well
  1. MrMadakey

    Reporting hacker

    Captain Price was caught hacking by several people in the clan server IDP He was killed and found a DMR on his body he was then killed again at a fresh spawn and found with another DMR then killed me and other people with a DMR in starry.... Do not tell me its coincidence he gets a DMR three times after fresh spawns...
  2. MrMadakey

    lee enfield in the nwa

    i never said u was wrong to use a fresh spawn did i... i just thought it was random he took a lee enfield there the guy got lucky by walkin into the same tree im pretty sure he was as surprised as me that there was some1 else there i think he had the same idea as me because there was a heli crash site and i was scoutin it and the position i was in was a gd position
  3. MrMadakey

    lee enfield in the nwa

    i was hidin in a tree he walked straight into me got a shot into my leg (bad aim i guess) so he broke my legs at this point im bleedin he took 2 more shots missed both i put 1 into him with an m107 and he died next thing u know i pass out through blood loss and all the zombies ate me because the m107 is loud as hell so i got eaten i wasnt attached to my gear because i now play on private servers anyway and rule #1 of dayz anyway is dont get attached to nothin u have ive learnt my lesson he came off as the better person i just didnt think it was the best idea to use a lee enfield in the nwa but ive been wrong before fair play to the kid he couldve had some good loot but i dont think he thought about the fact its still an m107 and it still kills in 1 shot who ever finds that equipment is gonna be a happy man :)
  4. MrMadakey

    lee enfield in the nwa

    ill agree with this it is a victory for me and the guy with the enfield more the guy with the enfield as i was kitted to the eye balls with stuff lol but still i just wouldnt think about goin to the north west airfield with an enfield maybe thats where im makin the mistake << oh and lads no punctuation or correct spellin again oh gnoez
  5. MrMadakey

    lee enfield in the nwa

    lol you people must be retarded urselves that u actually care if im not using punctuation or correct spellin this is the internet... i dont care what u think...
  6. MrMadakey

    lee enfield in the nwa

    well no not really since i rolled out and he was blatently standin next to me and got 1 shotted xD
  7. ok some guy just tried shootin me even though he knew i was there already he tried shootin me 3 times missed every shot with his lee enfield in the northwest airfield are bandits just gettin dumber and dumber cuz i rolled over once shot him and he died with my m107 but because he shot his enfield every zombie was on me like flies on shit my legs were broken and passed out through blood loss stupid bandit
  8. MrMadakey

    sacriel streaming

  9. MrMadakey

    sacriel streaming

    i mean he did address this issue last night because somebody asked him if there was anythin you could change about dayz what would it be and his reply was the hackers and i do agree the hackers are ridiculous in this game its beyond a joke the nearly every person we bump into now is kitted out with gps range finders and night vision as50's and ghillie suits yeah fair enough if they earned it but half the time they dont the only thing im missing out of that is an as50 (i have an m107 so i aint too worried about that) and range finders and thats took me over 2 weeks to find so yer it is kind of a joke and the reason its took me so long is because im not a bandit im a survivor
  10. MrMadakey

    sacriel streaming

    because the game is littered with hackers cuz battle eye is shit lmfao
  11. MrMadakey

    sacriel streaming

    wow people r retarded on this forum :'D He doesnt server hop u idiots he gets stream sniped ALOT because he usually has some of the best gear in the game and people know this so he has to change servers so it doesnt get ruined for the viewers... when he does get killed in a proper way he just respawns and finds some new gear when he gets duped and hacked gear its not him duping it and hacking it is it... its the player hes just killed If you just killed a player with hacked or duped gear i wouldnt see you droppin it and the only hacked gear he picks up is the gear you can already get in the game so stop trying to put him down over the fact hes just doing something any other person on this hole game would do there is no server hopping involved in his stream you absolute retards
  12. MrMadakey

    sacriel streaming

    he died through dick ed stream snipers and when he does get an as50 people like you get owned ;)
  13. MrMadakey

    sacriel streaming

    http://www.twitch.tv/sacriel sacriel42 is currently streaming come n join n watch the fun :D
  14. MrMadakey

    Server admin commands?

    unless you're an admin on that server you cant get into the server control if you are the host of the server then something dodgy is going on and the ban option was disabled because rocket thought "people will abuse this" even though some admins just want to get rid of hackers NICE GOING ROCKET again
  15. MrMadakey

    Incoming: Password Protection.

    I am sorry but i completely agree with passwording servers i have my own server and i have to pay money to keep that server online... y should i have to pay for a server for everybody else to just complain about it all the time and hackers to feel free to come in and get passed that SHITTY battle eye all the time its ridiculous if they start allowing to password servers i am doing this immediately and if u want to join in on the server well thats your choice and people should ask if they can join in on the fun instead of having random hackers who think its funny to ruin everyone elses fun just because battle eye doesnt work and before anybody says battle eye does work I BEG TO DIFFER