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BigG (DayZ)

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About BigG (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. BigG (DayZ)


    I think if it is dark or raining you should be forced to play in that. I like your avatar is it from Last Ninja?
  2. BigG (DayZ)

    Disconnect after being shot solution?

    I think any time a disconect happens your character should remain for x seconds. No matter if you exit normally, ALT-F4 or pull the power plug out! I was thinking more like 60sec than 15, but I guess its a compromise. You want it to be fair if you loose connection in an unfortunate place. On the other hand in a stand off if you Alt F4 the attacker needs the time to approach and kill. Some have sugested a counter that counts down giving you the chance to continue playing say if you get attacked. But with this if you are in a fire fight you could hid behind a tree and just try the count down and go back to fighting multiple times. The other ideas about monitoring server hopping, whether you have been shot at etc just sound to complicated to implement properly.
  3. BigG (DayZ)

    Take the Cherno Challenge

    Thanks for all the good ideas! Arm up a Noob: Find a new player and give them some military grade weapons.
  4. Sometimes on a fresh spawn it can be fun to try something different. If you want to take a break from your standard method of play here are some challenges you can try: 1. The Cherno Challenge Hit the main loot spots of Cherno on a route of your choosing. Rules: At night time and flashlight is on at all times. Can not crouch or prone. Can not shoot other players. Can only shoot Zeds if totally trapped. 2. Anti Gun Lobbyist Can not pick up any Gun or Ammo 3. Blood Donor Fill you backpack with blood bags and see how may strangers you can give blood to before getting shot. Please post your own challenges and when you have completed any of them.
  5. When the leaderboards were up I thought the longest alive character was around 60+ hours?
  6. BigG (DayZ)

    IF this was an actual game...

    $1 per life. - Bring back the old arcade style of payment. - would put more fear into dying. - average life expectancy would probably go up with the change in playing style - could purchase 10 lives for $10. - I would stop sprinting around Cherno at night with my flashlight on :)