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Everything posted by dhenderson098

  1. dhenderson098

    Server lock, after death.

    Worst Idea on the list you should go into a server and let the zombies rip you bit by bit for this
  2. dhenderson098

    Spawn System

    Wanting to play with your friends and having to meet up somewhere injured from running a distance getting attacked can be quite a pain and can sometimes take a couple of times before you can actually get started. (Suggestion: Make it so you can be in a group and spawn near your team.)
  3. dhenderson098

    Many New Idea's

    The Game DayZ is an amazing Modification to the game Arma 2. While watching others play it and playing it for myself I have experienced a few things in the game I did not like and some things that could be added. -Zombies: One thing I did not like is how the zombie movement. Zombies you would imagine would move slowly and not at a fast rate. (Suggestion: Make Zombies more realistic) -Injured: Getting Injured is one thing people tend to do while in game. Just a small cut can make you bleed out and die and by putting a bandage on makes you live some how which honestly makes no sense at all. (Suggestion: You shouldn't die from a small scratch; or at the least make there be a chance for the cut to get infected)