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About silvrhand

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  1. Or worse it'll cause a lot of TCP fragementation that you'll have to accept 2 packets per requiest and process the overhead of that. Some obvious things missing here: - make sure your are running the latest version of firmware/driver on your NICs. - enable TCP/UDP offloading - disable input moderation (don't wait send that packet now) - disable hyperthreading, gives overall throughput but typically higher latency. I'm not a big fan of the TCPOptimizer for one specific reason, it requires you to think about what latency requirements you want to allow on your servers. Proper calcualtion of RWIN size requires the correct BDP to be set, which means you have to define the max latency. Setting a really large RWIN value could also create issues if the TCP window size offset gets thrown on the floor by your router/switch/server on the path between you and the server. In short I'd prefer to leave TCP auto tuning turned on. TCP Auto-Tuning To turn off the default RWIN auto tuning behavior, (in elevated command prompt) type: netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled The default auto-tuning level is "normal", and the possible settings for the above command are: disabled: uses a fixed value for the tcp receive window. Limits it to 64KB (limited at 65535). highlyrestricted: allows the receive window to grow beyond its default value, very conservatively restricted: somewhat restricted growth of the tcp receive window beyond its default value normal: default value, allows the receive window to grow to accommodate most conditions experimental: allows the receive window to grow to accommodate extreme scenarios (not recommended, it can degrade performance in common scenarios, only intended for research purposes. It enables RWIN values of over 16 MB)
  2. silvrhand

    Pending Update: Build

    I think you can do this already if you drop your backpack? I like the changes to zombies, I do believe pistol dmg should come back up a "little" bit 25% or so. I also think that the primary weapons are like ringing the dinner bell, especially the sniper rifle and the hordes of zombies that come are a bit crazy. Shoot off the ATC tower in Balota airfield, watch em come running for a few hundred meters lol. I got caught up with the AKM in a building in Elecktro and ran out of clips (only had two) and couldn't make it out. Bit excessive if you ask me, but I'll adapt and making axe a secondary weapon choice seems to work for me.
  3. silvrhand

    Pending Update: Build

    Suggestion: Moving axe to secondary weapon! This will allow us to quietly deal with zombie in the open without having to try to switch primary weapons, I'd rather have an axe as a secondary weapon anyways than the pistol.
  4. Can we please move the axe as a secondary weapon, there are times that I would like to be able to quietly deal with a zombe but switching primary weapons in any meaningful time is sometimes problematic. Shooting with your primary weapon since is like ringing the dinner bell, so that's not really useful anymore. The zombie hordes are a bit much in the pistols are so weak that if you get a zombie horde it's almost useless, and using your primary weapon will continue to spawn horde after horder. Moving the axe to a secondary weapon seems like a useful option for us. I don't want to lose the zombie hordes cause they definitely are now a risk to dying, but I want to have more silent options other than my primary weapon. Thoughts?
  5. silvrhand

    Pending Update: Build

    This may also help the mechanic of people camping the beaches griefing new players, although that might impact our slaving ring on US244 that we round up newbies off the beach and put them in the slave pen lol.
  6. Server logs of the Hive SQL logs?
  7. This game is being ruined by hackers, the server admins have almost no tools to properly investigate, the game is completely hacked to bits, then we have to prove it to get them banned? Fine we'll just ban them from the server, and every other server can then start to ban them.
  8. Players: Diamond, 'That Guy' Server: US 244 What they were doing: - always ran into them with AS50 and M249 weapons, we finally got them to die and then they spawned next to one of us on the beach and AS50 magically appeared on his back, then the pack and other weapons.
  9. More hackers on tonight, new spawn guy with AS50 unkillable it seems..
  10. This is something that came with the last patch, I'm playing on pretty much the fastest machine you can get and the last patch has been huge with a few things. - random graphic glitches on both AMD/Nvidia cards around the game, most notably ATC command center in Bolata Airfield. - random FPS drop, and down to 10-15fps. My system specs: - Nvidia SLI GTX 680 - core I7 3930 @4.4ghz ram - 24GB RAM - SSD - resolution: 5760x1080 (triple screen setup)
  11. More hacking this morning, I got teleported to the middle of somewhere and shot.. this is getting ridiculous.