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About Sierra264

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Sierra264

    Constantly kicked off games

    Thanks! That would explain it. If I purchased a new copy of Arma 2 or a new key, would I be able to play
  2. Sierra264

    Constantly kicked off games

    yeah, but I don't have hero, bandit, ghillie, or camo clothing. I'm wearing the standard survivor clothes, civ ones.
  3. Sierra264

    Constantly kicked off games

    I went on nearly every close GBL server I could think of and I got kicked for it.
  4. I have a bit of a problem. I killed a dog in Day Z (Think it was probably a hacker or something) and I was instantly kicked off the game for "Script restriction 41". Now, when I join any global server, I am instantly kicked off for it. I am especially disappointing since I had a lot of good items. Can anyone help me?