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Everything posted by Evan858

  1. Evan858

    Slenderman Easter-Egg

    but slenderman is un-killable
  2. Evan858

    Shopping carts

    This idea, i like that shit
  3. Evan858

    Less Frequent Beta Patches plz?

    Then why are you in the DAYZ suggestions forums?
  4. Evan858

    Less Frequent Beta Patches plz?

    Its not even beta patches yet, and im glad for the updates, means progress is being made
  5. Ive been seriously wondering why people dont realize what an alpha is, or that this is an alpha.
  6. Evan858


    Well now that you explained it i can see your point, i wasnt trying to be a jerk btw so i apologize, and what your saying does make very good sense
  7. Evan858

    Stand-alone game's suggestions

    ive read hundreds of these and theyve all been shot down. devs already said there wouldnt be attributes
  8. Evan858

    ARMA II Free Edition?

    Well then you cant kriffing play! jesus you answered your own question
  9. Evan858


    Except its a hyper realalistic anti-game, so in a real world one people would be all over fishing. that was a terrible arguement
  10. Evan858

    loin cloths and clubs

    I dont know why i like this, due to the fact that itd be hilariously awesome or that in reality some people would certainly go feral. But in any case i like this +1
  11. Evan858

    Infect me with your love

    Already suggested and shot down hundreds of times
  12. Evan858


    Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Bossk etc..haha huge star wars fan
  13. Evan858

    Slower zombies, increased numbers.....

    But its Day Z, Day Zombie not Day I. i understand your point bit thats exactly why people are suggesting stuff like this
  14. Evan858

    Falling tree's - hatchet - choppin wood.

    Point taken greatly.
  15. Evan858

    Falling tree's - hatchet - choppin wood.

    Small detail but it would be more realilistic. +1
  16. Evan858

    Gas powered 'stove' for cooking

    Hes talking about the mini gas stoves like boys outs or whatever have. not like an actual stove haha
  17. I understand that, but we dont know yet if infection is just contact. it were lets say, waterborn or airborn, wed be shambling dead people
  18. Evan858

    Gas powered 'stove' for cooking

    I could get used to that, would it more or less noticeable than a wood fire?
  19. Evan858

    ZedsDeadBaby's Ideas & Suggestions

    I agree with all of these except the dogs. But the reason for that is because animals in all zombie/infection apocalypses tend to actually succumb and die before being able to reanimate because theyre bodies cant handle it. Resident Evil is ofcourse the exception but thats rez for ya...anyways! If any of you have read the Zombie Survival Guide (its just one example, i know the zombies in that are Romero style) but it says if animals are in contact with the virus theyre dead. nothing more. As for a 28 days/weeks i cant say what would happen as ive never seen an animal in those. but theres my reason hah
  20. Evan858

    Server lock, after death.

    Do you understand how difficult ot can be to find a server somtimes? And itd be just plain stupid to pretty much punish a player for dying! its not their fault (well somtimes it is) but when you FINALLY connect with friends or form a group and then you die..bam locked out. thats ridiculous
  21. Evan858

    Loot washing up along the shore line

    I like it, and to make it more realistic, Cherno and Electro are both trade cities so its plausible for a cargo ship to have gone down and the supplies wash up
  22. But the thing is, the infection is a virus, the reason youre alive is because youre immune. think about it, whether it be airborn, waterborn or touch youre immune
  23. Evan858

    Bring back bandit skin!

    as a loot item that people want to wear, sure. thatd be cool because its choice. might want to edit title though because sone people get enraged at the bandit skin
  24. Evan858

    PvP Idea?? Maybe

    Its an anti-game. Theyre not even considering the idea of game modes