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Everything posted by creepy6ninja

  1. creepy6ninja


    I've been loving this game and i really want it but im not sure if my pc will pay.Its a pretty powerful computer plays TF2 and battle for middle earth 2 but i got arma 2 free to see if it will work but evry time i run it it's a bit laggy and my screen is black and white with weird exsplosion splotxhes on the screen im not sure how to describe it. Is there some type of setting i can use or need to change so this runs smoother and i can see what im doing. PS. I have no graphics card is that absolutely nessecary?
  2. creepy6ninja

    Ranking system

    I think that when dayz becomes a standalone game there should be a ranking system.Not like cod or any other FPS since when you die your dead forever.Like every time you kill someone,zombie,or an animal you get an amount of exp that when you get a certain amount you rank to the next level that grants you certain things mabey just cosmetics,accesories things that wont effect gameplay just apperance.Or mabey even types of abilities like longer sprinting better chance to find weapons better chance for criticals etc.And when you die you start over with the exp. Tell me what you think or is it just me who thinks this would be a cool thing to add to dayz for more uniqueness? p.s.Plzz no hate :)
  3. creepy6ninja

    Ranking system

    What makes you say that?
  4. creepy6ninja


    well my pc is not working.
  5. creepy6ninja


    Ok thx for the feed back im just going to make a new computer because mine is like 3 years old and it's just not worth it to buy a new graphics card wich would just cost about the same to build a new computer that is better.
  6. creepy6ninja

    Parkour/Free Running

    I say hell naw!!!
  7. creepy6ninja

    dayz clan clothes

    Siunds fucking awesome!!
  8. creepy6ninja

    Ranking system

    Well to prevent even more murders only exp given on bandit kills.
  9. creepy6ninja

    a message to rocket

    I cant wait till the stand alone!@!@!
  10. creepy6ninja

    new weapons and items idea

    I like the normal bow like a long bow compoite bow sounds gooood..
  11. creepy6ninja

    Identifying a bandit

    Or they could just have blood on thme Duhh!
  12. creepy6ninja

    Ranking system

    Ok neither did I -_-
  13. creepy6ninja

    Ranking system

    That's not leveling..What im trying to get at is a way to get accesories,cosmetics,etc.Mabey even minor perks such as better stamina, better chances of finding loot, you loose blood slower when bleeding small things like that.
  14. I fuqing love the idea of a dog!!
  15. creepy6ninja

    Ranking system

    Ok i see where you're coming from but thats not what i was reffering to when you kill an x amount of zombies you get some type of option where you can if you want put the cosmetic on lets say facepaint or an ear ring or necklace not a hat poping on your head.And im not saying when you kill some bandits you run faster you just run mabey longer running like better stamina or climb mountains better nothing that could durasticaly change gameplay.
  16. creepy6ninja

    Ranking system

    Why do you say that why no exp it provides a uniuqe way to get cosmetics.Explain..
  17. creepy6ninja

    What should our next competition be?

    A fan made video with a logo!! Hells ya EPIC!!!
  18. creepy6ninja

    Third person vs First person view

    Is this guy a troll?Or is he fuqing stupid?
  19. creepy6ninja

    Ranking system

    Hmm where do you come up with this math sir?
  20. creepy6ninja

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    Noo snipers should be removed add some more for god sakes..
  21. creepy6ninja

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    Nooo way just because you run out in the field like an idiot and dont know how to use a sniper rifle definatley does not mean a weapon that would definatley be used in IRL survival should be taken out it's a sim not a fuqing pick daisies and flowers pussie >={
  22. creepy6ninja

    Ranking system

    Well mabey it's only when you kill a bandit but still i think it's a good idea.
  23. creepy6ninja

    Ranking system

    Thats sort of what i was thinking once you unlock something you can choose back and forth from what you have unlocked and what you had originaly.
  24. creepy6ninja

    Ranking system

    Mabye not so much of a ranking system mabey unlocks im not sure something of those lines i think sounds like a pretty good idea to me anyway.
  25. I agree with zetal on this one it would definatley take away from the original idea of dayz and im pretty sure it would ruin the game if they implemented the tools to build an intire underground base i mean c-mon think about it =p