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Ransom (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Ransom (DayZ)

  1. Ransom (DayZ)

    My short list

    1. Sound for doors opening and closing. 2. Team or squad markings. In real life you would recognize the people with you it be nice to have it in game some how. BUT - something not obvious so that at a distance players still have to identifiy themselves to their friends (always tense trying to meet with someone). 3. An easier trade system between players. 4. A white flag emote for friendlies, of course you can still kill them but I like the clear communication of the act. Maybe you cant hold a weapon while holding the flag. And it doesnt have to be an item, in real life its a t-shirt, sock, whatever. 5. Melee weapons! I know there is probably another post but melee weapons need their own slot, the intventory gymnastics to pulling out an axe is silly. 6. Some way to punish people disconnecting during pvp. Maybe a "your in combat" set up so players have to finish combat or they can't be bleeding when they log. 7. IED- put random items to use by making improvised explosives. Im not really intrested in vehicles but if I could make some fire bombs with some of the same items it be cool. 8. More skins. Thanks, Love the Game :)
  2. Ransom (DayZ)

    My short list

    Cool thanks for the response, couple things, I think there is a good case to update the inventory system and trading with players and also using melee (I think) should be apart of it. For begining players with the default pack theres no room for a primary and I think melee weapons are a staple of the zombie genre and should be more accessable. Thanks for the info on the surrender emote, I've never seen it in the controls so I look again tonight. For number 7 I was just thinking about making use of random items by Mcgavering stuff together, nothing silly just making use of what you have during a survival situation. and thanks for the info on "Rocket" Im just getting into the game and I am not the familar with the developer. As far as skins I'd love more skins for players and zombies, always want more. Especailly if you have more options to make your self look different then other players.