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Everything posted by kitta

  1. kitta

    Computer Build

    Don't know about the graphics card, maybe some med-range 500 series card from nvidia ~170USD Intel 2500/k ~160USD (I suggest getting an intel processor since AMD's perfomance per core is pretty low) 8GB RAM ~60 USD or less, haven't checked the prices in a long time Remember to pick a motherboard that supports sandy bridge if you get the intel mobo. Dual channel RAM is also good. Don't pick a cheap power supply since if it fries, there's a fairly big chance your whole computer will go kaputt. TL;DR Look for reviews, buy trusted products like always
  2. kitta

    Ban request ''mrbarbedwire''

    Hah, what a stupid kiddo he is.
  3. Fuck it, it's too tempting to post this :D Sorry. http://i.imgur.com/drzYY.png
  4. kitta

    hacker turned me into dog

    Wordswords, oh well, I hope the server admin sees this post and checks the logs. Dev team can't give your gear back, it's been said over 10000 times I bet.
  5. kitta

    Group of script kiddies

    Just to be an asshole and point out a minor error, "(I put 10 rounds of NATO into it)" doesn't really tell what rounds you shot into him... :D There are 2 NATO standard type of bullets, 5.56mm and 7.62mm x)
  6. kitta

    Cheater - KasMar

    Dev team can't do shit about it.
  7. Bump. Someone please help this guy :D
  8. I don't want to sound like an asshole but that made me lol. http://i.imgur.com/JCfJ4.png
  9. This mod has becomen too pvp heavy. I started experimenting with my 2 friends last night about the fact, well, it ended up getting me shot 3 times without me having any sort of equipment (I dropped everything except the bandage you start with). First person to shoot me was a guy in Cherno, he had a ghillie, Lee Enfield and something else, maybe an ALICE. Once he saw me, he shot his Enfield (why would you do that?) and I escaped behind a building, watched him run away from the zeds. I started running with him, next to him and we escaped in a pub, he bandaged himself, aimed at me with his colt and shot me even though I didn't even have my starter bp TL;DR guy has loudest fucking gun in game, tries to shoot me with it, gets hit by zombies, runs and I run with him, he goes into a pub and shoots me when I stand still The second guy shot me in Elektro as I slowly walked next to him. He had clearly used some time to look for supplies as he had an AK and an ALICE pack. Third guy, I don't even want to talk about him. I'm just waiting for people to come and be like "HURR BANDIT IS PART OF GAMEPLAY DURR". Yes, they are, but why would you shoot an unarmed person while risking your life? Shouldn't bandits try to make some profit first like group up for a while and then backstab? I don't understand
  10. kitta

    In my server logs... UK207

    Humans have subraces now? cool E: inb4 hatemail
  11. kitta

    Ban in US153 today

    It doesn't help. I only was shocked by your grammar :(
  12. Logs aren't difficult to go trough... You can just ctrl+f, and search for the time that this stuff happened and keep searching.
  13. kitta

    Ban in US153 today

    dat grammar
  14. Lucy, show me dat proof from the logs or something. I want to see it. I honestly think that you are just mad that THEY found a chopper on YOUR server
  15. It just happens sometimes and then goes away. It can still come and be a pain in the ass, but the bug shouldn't be permanent
  16. LateXi informed me about the hacker spawning stuff like SUVs and helicopters at his camp and then almost killing him and succesfully killing his friend. Time of incident: 02:30-03:10 UTC/GMT +3 (01:30-2:10 Germany time?(?)) according to LateX. So if an admin would like to check the logs, me, his friend and LateXi would be pleased :P Screenshot((s)more later, steam is being a bitch)): http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/540682784995172843/3CB198E05E108E27063FCC9216D6EB4815E38763/ EDIT: I realised I fucked up the time :D
  17. Last screenies All the stuff he spawned http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/540682784995204980/8646103A7A5D7325C221297DAA7D9F4EF67202B4/ LateXi's friend http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/540682784995331170/ED1CDF31F2AFA646CA71C42E18C89EF36856DBCA/
  18. Bump. I want justice.
  19. kitta

    Suspected hackers on US1114

    Spawning items/cars or anything with Cheat Engine requires the ____________________ execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf"; to be searched. Don't lift the ban. Seriously.
  20. kitta

    unjustly banished us server 1940

    Google translate is funny. My Ural also walks away every time! God damn that truck!
  21. kitta

    Cheater RU 19

    Jar cans Wait what?