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Everything posted by kitta

  1. Go ahead, upload 'em records. I want to hear this bullshit
  2. You can have a zombie face if you have @DayZ enabled...
  3. kitta

    Admin Abuse : US #069 Chicago

    A guy has an avatar with a bull taking a shit.. YUP, also it's an US server so how the fuck could he have that bad grammar?
  4. kitta

    cheater sucks

    Lol hurrdurr there obiviously isn't a thread about this already
  5. Welp, I was wrong about this guy.
  6. Jesus fuck you guys are still arguing about this. Why can't you just stop?
  7. Do you have any proof that it was a server connected to the offical HIVE? His server was probly hosted on his own computer and his own HIVE
  8. No, I'm a better admin because I follow the RULES that are made by the MAIN DEV of this mod, not because I do nothing. EDIT: At least would be a better one if I had the money to waste.
  9. "Not interested in Arma." Well why the fuck did you buy it in the first place? Also, the rights you have: You can lock the server if the current patch is buggy and it crashes the server when people smash enter to join so it stops them from doing it You can restart the server if the current patch is buggy and there is a fuckload of desync, but you NEED to warn people with RCON first (make a message regarding the server restart and giving them time to get to safe place (4-10 minutes)) You CAN password the server, but it isn't ALLOWED. You can restart the mission in-game via Admin Panel (shift+p), but you NEED to warn people with RCON first (make a message regarding the server restart and giving them time to get to safe place (4-10 minutes)) You can KICK or BAN players, but you need to have a GOOD REASON for it. Someone KILLING YOU is NOT a good reason. EDIT: I'm not a server admin but I know how to do your job better than you do for fucks sake...
  10. What the fuck man, you're saying that because you're NEW at ArmA 2, it means that you can abuse your admin power and so on? You do realise that ArmA 2 is MORE than DayZ? For fucks sake these new players.... CURSE ALL LETSPLAYERS AND THEIR FAMILIES
  11. Oh well, I don't mind him hacking in his OWN server. "Got Bored so i started up my server and turned BE off After 30 Mins i had a shit ton of Hackers on it so i went on with my banned alt and used some Hacks and Blew em away ;)" is written in the description.
  12. You also post on Volvo forums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! durrr name googling hurrrrrrrrrr http://www.volvoforums.org.uk/archive/index.php/t-152361.html It doesn't proof anything unless you can be 101% sure about it...
  13. So do you think that MattTheBandit is the only MattTheBandit there is? Search ''kittis'' on steam, it's my steam username. You'll find a FUCKTON of kittis named people. Also I googled your name more!!!!!!!! I'm such a h4x0r!! You're a digital spy!!!!! http://forums.digitalspy.co.uk/member.php?u=426136
  14. Yeah, and your name is a virus' name. http://www.exterminate-it.com/malpedia/file/sye73.sys You filthy infector!
  15. kitta


    One of my clan mates has found this weapon from NW airfield. Well, it was during 1.7.1
  16. kitta

    Cheating on DE9

    Neither does your. Flame war, go!
  17. kitta

    Global Banned

    Whoa, everyone is so angry at him... May I ask, why? Just because he spawns a couple of choppers doesn't mean he is THE TORMENTER OF SOULS WHO RAPES EVERYONE WITH HIS MIGHTY FISTS. If he would've spawned ammo crates and took fuckton of grenade launchers and TP'd to people and killed them, then he would have been that.
  18. kitta

    Cheating on DE9

    God damn 5* post right here.
  19. Admins don't have 'zombie immunity' or other things like that.
  20. kitta

    am i banned

    I just noticed what you said and I love how after this message, the forums went down to 'mainternance' and servers started lagging like hell last week..
  21. kitta

    Bron - Hacker

    Any proof?
  22. kitta


    It seems like most of the hackers are people who have very poor English... OH LAWD, I WONDER WHY I'm gonna get a shit ton of hatemail now.
  23. No, they aren't able of doing that.
  24. kitta

    Got Banned on FI 2

    FI servers are bad, you shouldn't play on them.