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Everything posted by kitta

  1. "That was definitely a hacker" HAHAHAHHA
  2. kitta

    #125 Dummy Cheat???

    Sent a PM
  3. It's silly how you are threatening to post the video, but still haven't posted it. Go ahead and post it. I want to see it.
  4. There were only 8-9 people on NL2 and the chances of encountering another player was pretty damn low I was running around near Stary with my friends, we were a group of 3 and I saw something that looked like a zombie but decided to look around a little bit more. Then I saw a survivor and got freked out as my friends were following me, not on front of me, and I stopped, told my friends to hold fire unless you'd start firing at us. You just looked at us, didn't move (probly creeped out yourself too :D) and I said "hello" to direct chat and we continued on. Thanks for not shooting us! We found a crashed helo like 10-20 mins later of that happening. http://i.imgur.com/vTbiv.jpg
  5. Left side of the "yellow" road that goes from Stary to Kabanino :D We pretty much took everything else except some epi-pens, bandages and 1 bison SD without mags and a FN-FAL without any mags. Our loot: Bison SD w/ 3-4 mags, FN-FAL, the NV scope version, 4 mags.
  6. kitta

    In my server logs... UK207

    ^Don't forget the Russians and others.
  7. Admins have no such of powers to spawn in cars, vehicles or modify inventories, unless they are hacking of course. Also those UAZ's can spawn in instead of the military UAZ that spawns. It's been confirmed by staff EDIT: ^but only at the LEGIT spawn points and not in the middle of the NWA/ NEA :D
  8. kitta

    I'm a rabbit

    Once encountered a similiar type of a hacker, but I got turned into a crow. Guess what I did? I stalked people and yelled at them in direct chat. Shit was cash
  9. kitta

    Banned for combat logging

    This mod has becomen gay. "Durr lets gibe peple rihts to alt+f5 an explotin becouse asmdin canot ban evan if u hv proov caus dey don noting wrong yeah!!!!!!111" Why would you do that? Why? WHY
  10. kitta

    Banned Server US1457

  11. kitta

    US1457 Random ban. Admin's name "jason"

    Loads of threads about this admin banning people. I wish staff would look at this. http://dayzmod.com/f...age__hl__us1457 http://dayzmod.com/f...457-random-ban/ http://dayzmod.com/f...457-banned-why/ http://dayzmod.com/f...age__hl__us1457 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/52449-us1457-random-ban-admins-name-jason/
  12. PMing you something. E: Sent
  13. kitta

    Confused O.o

    That's possible too. Living corpses (bugged player bodies) are pretty usual nowadays
  14. This. And it's easy to report bugs to Rocket and the devs when you have a private server as you can study the bugs without anyone interrupting you.
  15. kitta

    Confused O.o

    You shot a survivor who was afk, that's all.
  16. I've gotten script restriction #55 too, even on my own private server. Don't worry about it. It seems to be a bug with the newest patch on Steam/BE I think
  17. kitta

    M107 TWS on UK 124

    Like Reo said, you can't get b& for having hacked stuff unless you have spawned them in yourself. Only bad thing about having hacked stuff is that it gives and unfair advantage and someone may accuse YOU of cheating
  18. Finn host (KookosPähkinä)(?) God damn.. Why?
  19. kitta

    Cheating clans CCCP and KGB

    Yeah, at least CCCP has been reported multiple times on the forums. BE sucks, it's almost the worst anti cheat thingie there is.
  20. I've gotten Script Restriction #55 on my own private server which has BE disabled. Don't worry about it.
  21. kitta

    Lagging a false positive?

    >2011+1 >Dial up http://i.imgur.com/YcJPR.jpg