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About pulver117@gmail.com

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  1. pulver117@gmail.com

    .50 TWS

    Where is your proof that you actually found this some time ago? For all we know you're just a script kiddie trolling. My advice, if you have in fact just started playing again, lose the AS50 TWS anyways (you can't prove you had it from back in the day) and just completely start fresh, a lot has changed and a fresh restart gives you a chance to experience the first hours of a new life of gathering and surviving.
  2. pulver117@gmail.com

    Banned from US 1555

    Oh, so was that a global ban then?
  3. pulver117@gmail.com

    Banned from US 1555

    Thanks Blackout. Anyone who is willing to play fairly, how the game was intented to be played, and play by the rules is welcome to enjoy our server. We work hard to make it a fair place to play, unfortunately hackers have easy access with this game and we as server admins can only do so much to try and lock em out. We have had group members have AS50 TWS's placed in their hands by hackers on other servers and I immediately tell them to get rid of it before playing here. Not fair for us or anyone to use it if it's not meant to be in the game and others can't find it in game to use. As I understand it, You were kicked that night because someone got your playertag along with 5up3rpit5 and Impulse together and saw your group was running with at least 1 thermal AS50 which was confirmed with a look at the server log and the kick was more of a warning shot in case any or all of you 3 were hacking as we had dealt with a lot of people trying to create vehicles and mass killings that night and were trying to keep it under control. I spent more time that night scrolling through logs than I did playing. I just checked the ban list and non of your names are there. If any of you 3 are banned it is because you were auto banned for scripts which it won't show us your character name in the ban list. Let us know if any of you 3 still can't get on the server. Be safe in Chernarus, but play fair is all we ask.
  4. pulver117@gmail.com

    Banned from US 1555

    Blackout, I or someone will check the logs and see if you were in fact not using a AS50 TWS. However. I am almost positive your buddy Superpits was and we know he got unfair kills off it. People spend hours even days on their player and when someone uses an unfair advantage like hacks, cheats, hacked weapons to rob someone of that time spent is fucked up and it is what we are working hard to prevent on this server. Unfortunately in doing so it brings out the crybabies like Feathand that like to make us look bad because they got caught.
  5. pulver117@gmail.com

    Banned from US 1555

    Listen to this person, they are troll pro. Just for you Feathand http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwpnBVoBIcg&feature=player_embedded
  6. pulver117@gmail.com

    Banned from US 1555

    Doesn't surprise me at all how the people who have to cheat in this game to get what they want are also the ones who QQ the most when they get banned for it.
  7. neither of you 2 should assume either side is in the right or wrong. Admin abuse is cheating, so is server hopping, combat logging. Unless you have proof on one side or the other the best thing for both of you is to learn that nothing good comes from assumptions and accusations.
  8. Their group admitted on forum to server hopping to find and raid clan camps.
  9. Had you approached this differently from the beggining with a different attitude. Things MAY be different. But get this through your thick skull YOU AND YOUR GROUP ARE NOT WELCOME ON OUR SERVER for the reasons already stated in this thread and the other thread PERIOD! Stop wasting ur time.
  10. Another QQ thread by the troll Cristelle, shocker! For the 3rd time and now in yet another thread I will quote the reason why you and your group will never be welcome on our server. Moonchild, on 08 August 2012 - 09:09 AM, said: Those stats are completely wrong, first of all. Mr12Inches hops servers to find clan camps, like yours and calls the rest of us there. not myself. Me and highwinds have been playing the longest, the other 4 just started. Not sure where you found those stats but thats hilarious. We have never used any other names, You're garbage clan is butthurt. The dev team can look at your logs and all they will see is 1 of us killing 3 of you, and 1 of you killing me. Nbd I hate to break it to ya but jumping to servers to raid a camp is a bannable offense regardless if you or another of your group members jumps servers to find the camp. You just admitted to server hopping. You don't have to log in to 100 servers a day to be a server hopper. So, your buddy was server hopping and logged in on the hill our camp was on. Saw it was there. Called all of you onto our server. You took all the vehicles and probably drove them back to your camp location which is on a different server. Changed servers taking the gear from the vehicles with you and then blew up the vehicles seein as you don't need them anymore? Quoted from http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/62340-mega-camp-location-us-1555/
  11. pulver117@gmail.com

    Mega Camp Location -- US 1555

    Like I said, If you don't understand your groups ban, read my previous post with a quote admitting your groups actions.
  12. pulver117@gmail.com

    Mega Camp Location -- US 1555

  13. pulver117@gmail.com

    Mega Camp Location -- US 1555

    read the post and quote above yours and deal with it. Your group is exploiting/cheating the system and are not welcome on our server.
  14. pulver117@gmail.com

    Mega Camp Location -- US 1555

    I hate to break it to ya but jumping to servers to raid a camp is a bannable offense regardless if you or another of your group members jumps servers to find the camp. You just admitted to server hopping. You don't have to log in to 100 servers a day to be a server hopper. So, your buddy was server hopping and logged in on the hill our camp was on. Saw it was there. Called all of you onto our server. You took all the vehicles and probably drove them back to your camp location which is on a different server. Changed servers taking the gear from the vehicles with you and then blew up the vehicles seein as you don't need them anymore?