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Everything posted by anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

  1. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    **Quality DayZ Server Hosting** ~BEC~ |HFBSERVERS.COM| Highest Performance

    $25 Sale Started!! Wont last long.
  2. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    **Quality DayZ Server Hosting** ~BEC~ |HFBSERVERS.COM| Highest Performance

    Regularchecks being on is showing mixed results, might need to disable them again for the time being. We are looking into a possible fix though
  3. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    **Quality DayZ Server Hosting** ~BEC~ |HFBSERVERS.COM| Highest Performance

    That server is only currently available in Seattle, But we are working to make it along with the rest of the plans available across the US
  4. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    **Quality DayZ Server Hosting** ~BEC~ |HFBSERVERS.COM| Highest Performance

    Very important battleye update in the control panel, Very much suggest everybody update to it.
  5. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    DayZ - US 2246 (v1.7.2.5/Beta 95883) *no vehicle spawns*

    You could try restarting just the mission not the server as a mission restart will load everything stored on the HIVE more reliably then a full server restart. Just a small suggestion.
  6. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    **Quality DayZ Server Hosting** ~BEC~ |HFBSERVERS.COM| Highest Performance

    Well you have spoken, working on getting New York servers up ASAP.
  7. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    **Quality DayZ Server Hosting** ~BEC~ |HFBSERVERS.COM| Highest Performance

    So far it seems New york is winning as the location, Is this what you guys want?
  8. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    **Quality DayZ Server Hosting** ~BEC~ |HFBSERVERS.COM| Highest Performance

    Looking to possible expand in New York what do you guys think? I know we already have North Carolina servers which is east coast and EU players ping pretty well to them but i know New York is pretty popular. Let me know what you think. If i can ill put up a poll on this thread.
  9. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    Bean bets on HFB updating to!

    The patch is up. And im not sure if you noticed all the warnings slapped on this page http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/48329-hotfix-build-1724-rolling-update/ Just an FYI we test the patches in depth before rolling them out, we don't just roll it out and then realize it was completely broken. Just like several of the patches in the past where they immediately roll out a hot fix (within a few hours that is).
  10. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    Major HFBServers Changes Inbound!

    We here at HFBServers have heard the complaints, we are not oblivious to this. HFB will be making many changes in the coming weeks. Some of which will be detailed below: First and most important I would like to apologize for some of the issues our customers have been having with our hosting. We have allowed things to happen that should not have, the most important thing is customer support. I will be the first to admit that our customer support is not on par with that of our competition. That will however be changing here very soon, we will be bringing on more support and operations staff to cope with the load of hundreds of tickets per day. There will also be a decent amount of other back end changes that will take place, some things that you will see and some things that you will not. If there are any important changes that are made, all customers will be notified via email. The next set of changes will deal with the hardware that we use for the dayz servers many of you have made statements about the quality of our hardware and just exactly what we use. Well let me tell you what we currently use. 99.9% of our dayz servers are hosted on Dual Cpu Xeon machines with 16Gb's of ECC ram, 1TB Enterprise grade hard drives, 100MB-1Gbps network connections (depends on the Data Center) And 10-25Tb of bandwidth for each server. These machines are very powerful and are capable of running multiple DayZ servers without any issue. But no matter how powerful they are we can still get better and that is what we will be doing. We are going to be upgrading a vast majority of our servers to the latest and greatest Ivy Bridge series of servers. These are Very powerful machines and should deal with any hint of heavy load the servers might be under. Now to what is currently going on. We have closed all orders for servers currently so that me can make the changes I spoke of above. And some more changes which I will highlight below. Many of you have seen the email that we sent out to all active clients but to those who have missed it I will outline it below. The next round of changes that we will be making is updating all the servers operating systems to fix some of the issues we have been having with our time change script not working correctly. Along with these updates we will also be rebooting all of the servers. A few of the servers will be moved to different racks. We are trying to have all of our servers in the same racks in each DC, to help with transfers between servers. Some servers will be down for a matter of minutes some maybe down for a few hours. We also have several machines that have not been updated to run the control panel, that will also be changing. All of those machines will finally receive the much needed control panel. During this time of reform here at HFB all of the HFB team who is available will be actively working on the changes, These changes will hopefully for the most part be done by Monday evening. So during this time we will be answering only the most important support tickets and we may have the billing system under maintenance for random amounts of time. We are very sorry for any downtime that you will have but after these changes hfb will be a better company overall. Now to the people who claimed that we are running 10 servers per box and that we are overloading the servers. That is simply Not the case I will tell you exactly what we are running. We are running 6 servers at MAX per box, with that the machine never hits 100% overall cpu (across both cpu's) there is never less then 8gb's of ram free, and even on a 100mbps port it never uses more then 30% of the network connection. Basically we will be doing a LOT of maintenance to our current servers. These things will consist of the following. First we will be load balancing servers. What that means is we will move servers from machines that maybe running a bit higher on cpu usage to machines running less. After our upgrade to a TCAdmin Enterprise license there were some issues with servers not being where they "should" be (servers copying themselves, etc). This has caused a few servers to run a little higher on cpu then we would like. The moves are moves of feet (rack to rack) not locations like some of you have started to think.
  11. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    HFB Server Customers - Server Restarts

    We already have replaced the files in the last patch with the latest HIVE files. The master server for our tcadmin has 5 different copies of the same HIVE, every time someone stated we had the wrong version i replaced the files in the rar for the latest patch with what ever the latest HIVE fileswere (granted they were always the same size and same date). With that being said once i am finished with the major fix for all the servers i will be putting on an update which contains the Latest HIVE files, beta patch, battleye, And full dayz patch.
  12. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    HFB Server Customers - Server Restarts

    You have been posting over and over about the HIVE version. We are running the latest version. The same version that Ander has promoted on his forum post "". Unless there is another version that we do not know about please tell me. I will be more then happy to put it on you server. And thanks to extensive help from the dev team (many suggestions on the issues) we here at hfb have found the exact cause of all our issues. Which a post will be made about when im done working through hundreds of servers. As far as the month statement that was a statement regarding the overall upgrade of all hardware. Not to fix the current issues. The current issues will most likely be fixed here within a few hours of this post.
  13. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    HFB Customers - Please Read

    I would also like to state that we have tested servers in multiple datacenters on all types of hardware. After a result of that testing we noticed only the servers that displayed those errors over and over had bad lag and de-sync. The ones that did not display it or displayed it on small occasions ran smooth as silk. It seems that the servers are not getting all the data back from the HIVE and its causing well the issues you see. This is only a result of a few hours of testing but it seems to line up pretty well with the issues we have been having. We are gonna see what the dev team says about it as well its is a very serious issue we are having with our servers. From the few people i have spoke to this (non dev team) they have suspected the HIVE being overloaded, which i am not sure is the case or not, just gotta see what they say.
  14. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    HFB Server Customers - Server Restarts

    Vehicles tents etc are stored on the HIVE not the server. So unless we changed your mission id rebooting the server will not affect them. You do not need to worry there.
  15. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    HFB Server Customers - Server Restarts

    The HIVE is the correct version. All the files that are packaged in the updates section are exactly the same as the latest versions HIVE wise. Updates are not simply just renamed, they are packaged with what ever they say they are. The updates ryan was referring to are dealing with control panel and server updates that i detailed in another post.
  16. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    HFB Server Customers - Server Restarts

    All the servers are now rebooted. Give tcadmin a few mins to catch up to all the requests. 100+ machines requesting connections after the reboots and users signing in and trying to make changes caused it to have some sight issues. Should hopefully be back up in a few mins.
  17. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    Major HFBServers Changes Inbound!

    Also to those who stated things like "the new hardware changes are worse" and "these moves have caused my ping to change" in some of the other threads regarding complaints about hfb. Those changes have NOT been made yet, we have moved NO clients nor have we made any upgrades to hardware just yet. If a client is moved your ip for the server will change, it will not remain the same.
  18. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    Major HFBServers Changes Inbound!

    We are planning something along the lines of "sales staff who just handles sales" "tier one support who handles the basic's" "tier two support who can handle just about anything" "then well me and adam who can handle everything" doing it this way relieves the load from just one person or group and things can get handled a lot faster.
  19. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    Information regarding HFBServers Update

    I am making a post regarding the recent change to HFBServers ftp access and the way you change your settings. I want to take the time to explain why these changes were made and where you can access all the things you need to make setting changes. We were approached by a dayz dev team member that deals with most of the server related side of dayz and were told that in order to continue hosting servers we were asked to make sure that our servers are always following the rules and guidelines set forth for hosting a dayz server and because we host so many we need an efficent way of doing this. One of these rules was that we need to restrict full ftp access to servers as with that access users could make changes to there servers which could cause it to break dayz rules. Now for those saying that we are the only ones who have made these changes and what not that is not the case. Company's like Vilayer already made these a couple weeks ago and the rest will follow suit once they are contacted, well that's assuming they would want to continue to host servers. Many of you have been making claims like "I can no longer edit anything" which is simply not the case. You can still edit all the settings that you need to via a configuration or text editor option next to each file in the "configuration files" button. Now if what you used to change is no longer there then that is most likely because it is something you are not allowed to edit. Things like changing player counts below 40, turning battleye off, and full name editing. There maybe a few that I missed listing just now but like i said if they are not allowed to be edited now then they should not be edited. I will be posting a few pictures below which show you where you go to edit all the settings you are allowed to edit. If you are having trouble with settings not seeming to stick then you need to edit a setting in the server.cfg file (while your server is stopped of course) and then save it, This will allow the new armaoaprofile file to be setup correctly. You can also download stream and view all the log files you can need via the "Log Viewer" button in the control panel and via ftp as we have heard of some people having automated downloads of their log files setup. Things like log file cycling and what not will be added very soon as i know many of you like to rename your log files every day so that they do not get too bloated. Now before I get to the pictures I want to make a few statements and reinforce others. We were REQUIRED to make these changes to be able to continue hosting servers and in-order to keep ALL current servers online. Also this thread is here strictly to inform people about the changes. Not to debate these changes, argue with each other/me, or get mad at the devs. Please do not reply to this if you plan on just doing one of those.
  20. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    Information regarding HFBServers Update

    You can still download the scripts file just fine. This is one of the very few things we have yet to iron out. Vilayer has had time to make things perfect we Just launched these changes.
  21. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    Information regarding HFBServers Update

    I think that the naming convention allows for the time zone. Ill see if we can and if we are allowed ill try and get that added in. Also we are working on a lot of things for the log files so that it will allow for things most people tend to do with them (re-name, copy, etc)
  22. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    Australian Servers For Sale?

    Well after the responses to this thread and the many pm's i got we here at hfb have come to the conclusion it is sort of better to sell just the dedicated servers for the time being. We are working to get BW limits even higher to host the slot based servers but that will come later down the road. With that being said. I would like to announce HFBServers first Australian dedicated server. Intel i5 2500 4 cores 4 threads 8GB DRR3 Ram 500Gb Sata Drive Windows 2008 R2 Web Edition (Windows is required for Dayz) 2TB Of Bandwidth. 1 IP Located in Sydney, Australia All that for only $250/MO USD Feel free to order now. We have a limited amount of these in stock so get your orders in ASAP. https://www.hfbservers.com/billing/cart.php?a=add&pid=18
  23. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    **Quality DayZ Server Hosting** ~BEC~ |HFBSERVERS.COM| Highest Performance

    We're sorry for the delay in getting to your server. We are still dealing with the technical issues with our site's portal. Your server has been fixed. The cause of the problem was with you changing your configuration file improperly. This change caused an error and wouldn't let anyone connect to the server. (The MOTD line needed a comma at the end of it.) In addition, while our Web Dev is dealing with the site portal, our stock of DayZ servers (both EU and US) have been replenished. Many of you have been waiting for this for a few days: If you'd like to order a US server now, click here. - 10 in stock currently, tomorrow morning will yeild more.If you'd like to order a EU (French) server now, click here. - 10 in stock. While the portal is worked on, there is a link to both the Billing system and the Control Panel are on the Maintenance screen as well as in this sentence. We apologize for the
  24. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    Australian Servers For Sale?

    Ok guys figured its worth a bump since i basically re wrote the post.
  25. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    **Quality DayZ Server Hosting** ~BEC~ |HFBSERVERS.COM| Highest Performance

    All servers get more then enough resources. I just logged into that box your server is on. There is over 8gb's of ram of free. 60% of the network capacity. And at worst 40% of the cpu free. Make sure you restart it at least 1 time a day to keep things running good. The server restarts twice a day and I don't let log files balloon in size. I submitted a support ticket yesterday' date=' is this my official answer? [/quote'] I guess you could say official yes. Like i said the box has a lot of resources free on it. Just like pretty much all our boxes (besides our test machines). I really do not know what to say, There is more then enough resources free on this Dual Cpu machine and non of the threads are even approaching 100% Your server is processing everything that it is supposed to. Remember a decent amount of de-sync (red chain) now days comes from the HIVE. If there is any packet loss between the server and the HIVE you will get de-sync . This is something that happens to pretty much any server out there at one point or another.