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Everything posted by anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

  1. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    Bliss/HFB private plus server time of day problems

    You need to make sure you uncomment the correct line when changing modes. As far as the deal with it email. I would be very much surprised if one of my support reps said "deal with it" they might have said something more along the lines of you did not have the managed support option so they could not help you too much with non hardware/connection issues.
  2. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    **Quality DayZ Server Hosting** ~BEC~ |HFBSERVERS.COM| Highest Performance

    Dayz Package is here. BEC, AntiHax, Select-able Loadout, Choose the amount of vehicles you want and more! Limited amount of these servers available so order now.
  3. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    Editing server name.

    Both us and vilayer run things a bit different, The files are called config.cfg and they are not in cfgdefault.
  4. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    Editing server name.

    It is very straight forward for both private and private plus servers remember server.cfg is an old term most of the larger hosts use config.cfg now Private plus http://gyazo.com/babf6abf0265c979e403c13d3e7be545 Private http://gyazo.com/a17e6bbc5ef2b80df80d78c989677778
  5. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    **Quality DayZ Server Hosting** ~BEC~ |HFBSERVERS.COM| Highest Performance

    Currently running a $.50/slot super sale, Get a server now!
  6. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    **Quality DayZ Server Hosting** ~BEC~ |HFBSERVERS.COM| Highest Performance

    RMOD has been released, check for it in the mod manager
  7. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    **Quality DayZ Server Hosting** ~BEC~ |HFBSERVERS.COM| Highest Performance

    working on some exciting new changes. Hopefully looking to get private plus finally up for at least lingor and chernarus.
  8. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    Panthera Host

    Dayz planet will be releasing this here very soon. Stay tuned for some updates :)
  9. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    Help with server

    You should be all good to go. Simply a mis-configured server.cfg
  10. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    **Quality DayZ Server Hosting** ~BEC~ |HFBSERVERS.COM| Highest Performance

    Sale ending in just a few more hours
  11. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    Hosting bubble pop?

    Was going to keep out of this till we were brought into this. We run 5 servers per Dual L5420 and with all servers maxed out the cpu's never have a single core maxed out we used to run 6 per box back when dayz was really popular and we were getting 50+ orders a day but we only did that because we could not have servers racked fast enough to keep up with the amount of orders. We have been transparent about how many we host since day one when we were one of the 3 hosts out there.
  12. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    **Quality DayZ Server Hosting** ~BEC~ |HFBSERVERS.COM| Highest Performance

    Weekend Sale Started! Currently have stock in just about every location
  13. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    HFBServers Control Panel Transfer Complete

    I just would like to make this announcement here as i know many people do not check their email or our twitter. The HFBServers control panel is currently in the process of being transferred to our new very powerful machine. During the transfer you will not be able to start/stop your servers or make changes. Your servers will however stay in what ever mode they were set at before. So for example if they were started and running your server will continue to be running, if they were stopped your server will continue to be stopped. We are expecting this to take a few hours to fully move the control panel but of course we will do our best to get it done as fast as we can. We sent out an email yesterday regarding the control panel transfer and tweeted about the move both yesterday and today. Thanks for your time HFBServers EDIT: Transfer is complete all servers should have full control back
  14. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    HFBServers Control Panel Transfer Complete

    New York is back http://gamecp.hfbservers.com/
  15. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    HFBServers Control Panel Transfer Complete

    LA Is Back http://gamecp.hfbservers.com/
  16. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    HFBServers Control Panel Transfer Complete

    Kansas Is Back Up http://gamecp.hfbservers.com/
  17. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    HFBServers Control Panel Transfer Complete

    France Back Up http://gamecp.hfbservers.com/
  18. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    HFBServers Control Panel Transfer Complete

    Dallas Transferred http://gamecp.hfbservers.com/
  19. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    HFBServers Control Panel Transfer Complete

    Chicago Servers transferred and should now be working http://gamecp.hfbservers.com/
  20. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    HFBServers Control Panel Transfer Complete

    Atlanta servers transferred and should be working on the control panel http://gamecp.hfbservers.com/ Will keep you updated as we finish the rest.
  21. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    Is HFB unavailable to you too?

    We are currently waiting for Comodo to get back to us regarding our SSL certificate. Until then ticket submitting and what not will be down. Feel free email the following addresses (CC them all to ensure a response) John@hfbservers.com Micheal@hfbservers.com Anthony@hfbservers.com and Adam@hfbservers.com with the issues you are experiencing.
  22. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    Is HFB unavailable to you too?

    I would have agreed with this statement about a month an a half ago but currently tickets have an average response time of just under an hour and as far as server stability our servers are just fine, The only issues we have currently are directly related dayz/arma its self. Things like tents/vehicle saving which as you know is directly related to Dayz and people running there servers for long periods of time which arma does not handle well and as you probably know the longer the server runs for the longer join times are. We have never moved our website before simply re-designed it, this is the first time we have ever transferred anything to another machine.
  23. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    Is HFB unavailable to you too?

    We are at the moment in the process of moving the website and control panel. If you can not access certain parts of the billing system check the url of the page you are visiting and remove the S from https:// as that particular part of the website is still being re-enabled on the new web server.
  24. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    **Quality DayZ Server Hosting** ~BEC~ |HFBSERVERS.COM| Highest Performance

    I am not sure exactly where you are getting your prices from. I assume you are going with the higher end of the consumer market. You have to remember we have a couple hundred dedicated servers in total which allows us to get machines at a much lower cost then the average consumer. Heck we sell our dedicated servers for much less then $200/MO
  25. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    Rolling Back?

    Yes rolling back solves a decent amount of the current issues.