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About [email protected]

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  1. I can answer this one. All our servers are setup with US prefixes however its up to the client to change it to the actual country the server is setup in if they like.
  2. Hello Im sorry you feel this way about our new package, as the email said the upgrade is completely free for all users if you decide to wait while we go through several hundred services to upgrade them, we are only offering the $10 upgrade as an option for an asap upgrade not a requirement. We only gave that large of a time frame for the free upgrades due to the large amount of servers that will need to be manually re-created, internally our goal is much less than "several weeks" While I can see the benefit of such a system 98% of our customers want updates added by us to the control panel within minutes of the update being released on DayZ commander, The new 2.0 variant of our service allows things like this to be done, where as our old 1.0 required a lot more time and effort to be put into updates. That is not at all what we meant by that statement, we do not nor do we have plans to force install server file updates on servers. We simply meant that the files that will be contained in the default new server setup and the mods section files will always be up to date with the latest mod version, no need to go to the updates section after installing a mod from the mod manager, The updates section will still be there when new updates come out for clients such as your self to manually install when you choose. Im sorry you feel this way, the last ticket I see from you was answered in just over an hour and I see no mention of "shitty lag" I also just looked through clients tickets on the same German node and do not see any lag complaints, if you are still experiencing issues please feel free to submit a ticket and we will look into the issue. Our current response time is the lowest it has ever been since we opened, most tickets are being answered within an hour of them being opened with none reaching more then 8 hours old. If you want to stay on the old 1.0 Ultimate you can, however please note that no more updates will be pushed to that product, so any Epoch updates will need to be manually added by you via FTP, Just open a ticket and reference this post and we will put a note on your account to not upgrade when we get to your node. Im not exactly sure why you feel that we have not listened to feedback but we currently have a very large google doc with just about every suggestion that customers have suggested in tickets over the past 4 months, We added/modified the ones that were suggested the most for Ultimate 2.0, Biggest of all being ease of access for the config files, and second being mod selection, there are also many other random suggestions that we added with Ultimate 2.0 and things that are currently being worked on and nearing completion (we will announce them at a later date). For the ease of access suggestion we made everything uniform and instead of having config files located in multiple different directories for each mod they are all now just located in "CONFIGFILES" and for mod selection we added all the epochs that were available as well as a few others, we also have a few more being tested and will hopefully be added in the coming days.
  3. An E3-1230V2 will be more then enough for a single 50 man server, you could run a few 50 man servers on it. There is no need for 16 core machines, DayZ/Arma does not really benefit from multiple threads, so the faster single thread speed you have, the better the performance. That's why an E3-1230v2 is perfect (high single thread speeds). You can easily build an E3 machine for ~900 USD. As far as BW goes 5TB on a 100mbps port will suit you just fine.
  4. I can confirm vilayers comment, The in-game browser is... not the greatest to say the least. Back when there was just a couple hundred servers over a year ago it was fine. But since the explosion of thousands of DayZ servers it seems like it can't keep up. Most people use commander anyway so you shouldn't really have too much of an issue with finding new players.
  5. The hive its self is just fine, it is hosted on an E3-1240v2 with 32gb's of ram and an Intel SSD for the SQL located in Dallas. All the timeout issues are because of the cdn they use for the hive certificates. Not the hive its self.
  6. With all do respect, The last request before our latest reply was you asking to cancel, which the support rep set your server to be cancelled and that would have been ticket completed, You then responded once saying never-mind on the cancellation and to go back to fixing the original issue, then again a couple minutes later on asking to make sure you get the extension. So now your issue is once again open, and back to the original issue which I am currently looking into. There is a few issues with our method your example being one of them (which only applies when we are under very heavy load like the past few days) but it solves issues like people submitting tickets with all caps saying "MY SERVER IS BROKEN FIX IT NOW FIX IT NOW FIX IT NOW" as we simply get to that ticket in the order it was received.
  7. Your ticket will receive the same attention it would have other wise gotten, we do not provide special attention because of this thread, we treat all customers with the same level of support, which means since the last reply 3 hours ago, when support works through the tickets older then yours (there were roughly 50 tickets opened before your response 3 hours ago) then your ticket will be answered. I can see that your ticket only has 5 ahead of it now, so I will personally take a look into it since it is now your tickets time. Im sorry if this is a bit of an odd method, but it has proven to work the most successfully, as no client gets favoritism for responses weather it be the client paying us $1000 a month, or the client paying us $2.50 a month, each is entitled proper and due diligent support.
  8. Comparing an experience you had over a year ago with a unique situation betterdeadthenzed had is a bit like comparing apples with oranges, We have improved drastically since your post over a year ago, I will admit that our support over a year ago was not the greatest, but the past several months it has been pretty darn good, Only the past few days has our support been a bit slower due to the almost 3x of tickets as a result of questions about Breaking Point, and random issues people have with Breaking Point.
  9. Michael was mistaken in his first msg then, As I strictly remember him talking with me regarding your ticket, asking if it was alright for him to add lingor skaro to the mods section which he ended up doing, that is why you did not see it before, him saying it was fixed was him creating the new package and allowing all customers to then install it. Also, your ticket would have been responded to at the same time weather your asked for a refund or not as I had just gotten out of an hour or so convo with my support reps regarding upcoming updates and changes, so they had just begun working on the tickets that were there, yours included. EDIT I forgot to add that, your ticket as it approached the 24 hour mark would have been guaranteed a reply as we make sure that tickets don't go over the 24 hour mark without being answered (give or take an hour if its early morning) during this excessive amount of tickets as a result of Breaking Point, but when you replied, as I said before, you made your ticket appear to be brand new and opened very early in the morning. Most tickets at the moment are getting responses right around the the 8 hour mark simply due to like I said, the excessive load that is a result of Breaking Point.
  10. Also it is worth mentioning, Skaro lingor was custom added as per your request, it was never available for customer access before.
  11. You have replied to your ticket own ticket several times very early in the morning, each time bumping it to the top of the ticket list making it seem like a new ticket. So right now from our eyes your ticket is only 7 hours old which is still in the category of very acceptable time frame. Since we work from oldest ticket to newest, each of your replies has simply caused your wait to be longer. EDIT Our support has been slightly slower with some tickets hitting the 18 hour mark due to the large amount of tickets regarding Breaking Point however a ticket would NEVER ever hit 51 hours without a response from use if you did not reply to it yourself a few times. With that being said as an apology I have extended your due date by 3 months.
  12. I am not sure if you had email provider issues, or you needed your service reinstalled but we have not had a 3 day setup time in about 9-10 months, 3 days is simply way to long for a game service setup.
  13. Well I can say that the Official update patch was added to the cp a very very short amount of time before your post, the patch was added to our cp at 10:49 am EST and your post shows as 10:53 am EST. Which leads me to believe that you installed the private patch as the official patch requires no changes whats so ever to be made after the install to have your server work correctly. We never release a patch that requires any changes to be made (except the host name change) by the client, especially one with as many changes as you outlined.
  14. There is no Official reality update yet as visad is out of state at the moment, all the hosts including HFB are running rigged together versions for 1.7.7. So some things may not work perfectly custom loadouts possibly being one of them.
  15. The 1.7.7 update we had up yesterday was ONLY for private servers (the name said private) the 1.7.7 update we added today (name says official in it) will work for the official hive servers. That means this process would have worked for those attempting to install the private update on their official servers yesterday, but today they should be just fine installing the official update. On HFB's host that is.