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Posts posted by Boris_Bee

  1. Ill be Buying ARMAIII and DAYZ.

    Maybe I'm dumb but your post makes no sense to me at all.

    Anyway....ARMA is an amazing game...it's just not for pussies. They say DayZ isn't either but there sure are alot of pussies playing it so I'm not sure.

    The only reason Games like COD outsell ARMA is because the market demographic of mature gamers who can appreciate games for things other than slick graphics and cool cut scenes is relatively small. Yet large enough to to have made development of ARMAIII an economicly sound move. ARMA has never needed gamers like you to be sucessful. ARMA is an amazingly deep and robust military sim....but you wouldn't know anything about that. I don't think I've ever agreed with Zed about anything......until now.

    Glad I'm not the only one who didn't understand what the hell that guy was talking about. Also glad to see another person here who knows what ARMA is about. Beans for you!

    • Like 1

  2. Not sure why everyone saying it isn't supported. Too lazy to look up the quote, but wasn't rocket quoted saying he supports this sort of thing, at least as far as private hives go? Something about it's the only way to defeat the hackers is to form private communities.

  3. More people will cause it to spawn faster - I didn't notice a diffrence. Anyone got any data on that?

    Had 3 people cycling stary, loot respawned in tents pretty damn fast. On the other hand I solo farmed the industrial buildings around stary and it would take forever for loot to respawn

  4. So basically Left 4 Dead with less interesting zombie mechanics?

    Sounds pretty shitty. I'll risk the hackers.

    I've played 700+ hours and only ran into 2 hackers, one of whom gave me guns and took me on a helicopter ride.

    I'm not denying it's a problem, but it's not "every server" or "all the time" or "ruining the game" and when I did die to one I just picked a different server, geared up and kept playing.

    No where did I say anything about it being pure pve. It's the same as a normal server, except you cannot server hop and you get to know the regular players. shrug

  5. Play a private server ffs. Hackers are few and far between and when they do show up they are actually kicked and banned. I too lost all hope in dayz until I found the joy that is non-public hive private servers. No disconnecting, no alt f4, no hackers, a sense of community with some people actually being friendly.

    It's a great fucking change of pace.

  6. This thread makes me so sad to see the direction dayz could head.

    I can't explain it better than rocket has multiple times.

    You're taking a groundbreaking game that has a legit chance at success and showing him that it doesn't work and only games that don't really penalize you for making mistakes or playing dumb can succeed.

    Instead of letting players balance the game (politics of a post apocalyptic society is what I think rocket calls it) themselves you cut yourself off from the populace and defy that whole concept of the game. You're not really interested in the evolution of player interaction or how the games progresses at all. You only care about your server and forget everything else.

    All I can hope for is that people like you don't ruin this game for the people who want to play it the way it was intended and that he sticks with the "core" of his vision for the game.

    The only thing people are trying to avoid are the server hopping, disconnecting, hackers, and a lack of community. If rocket could solve those issues I don't think anyone here would have an issue with hive servers.

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  7. Hrm, this explains why my m1911 wasn't taking down that zombie at the NW airfield when he followed me inside the barracks. I shot him once expecting him to go down...he didn't. I shot him again, and still not down so I was like wtf guess server lagging or something and I just got my loot and got out of there. Never did put the third shot in, but it does explain why the first two seemed like i was shooting airsoft pellets.
