Who has ever stumbled upon the aftermath of a player firefight and had a win? Was playing last night I was in a barn a little bit in from the coast, I had no weapons but found a hatchet in the barn, heard some flys on a dead body while i was in the barn. Went outside found a dead guy with pretty noob stuff (e.g. coyote pack, flashlight, some food), got a lee enfield (minor win). Was walking out of the valley where the barn was and stumbled upon another dead guy halfway up the hill overlooking the barn with a CZ550, epic win as I was pretty fresh off the respawn boat. Must have been a showdown at the OK Corral where everyone died between those two, it was one of those moments you can't program into a game (and what really is cool about DayZ) so I was wondering what other random right time right place experiences people have had?