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Liquidator (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Liquidator (DayZ)

  1. You are welcome to visit our forum @ www.zombiesmashers.com site is under major development would be good if someone would be able to help us with a leaderboard
  2. Liquidator (DayZ)

    Bandit Clan Recruiting

    Bandit Group Recruiting. We have a group of 11 People in our clan right now and we are looking for more people to join our clan We will accept people who have good banter 7 Scottish 2 Irish 2 English Preferably looking for people who are sound with good banter and can speak good English. We have a teamspeak server and if you want to join i will private message you the ip
  3. help please i am getting the same message and that fix is not working.
  4. Liquidator (DayZ)

    US 766. Everyone killed, now a jet is flying around.

    Light changed to pitch dark alot darker than night then i was killed. Middle of no where
  5. Liquidator (DayZ)

    US 766. Everyone killed, now a jet is flying around.

    happened again there was teleported giving lots of items + guille suit lol full everything basiccly but got shot
  6. Liquidator (DayZ)

    US 766. Everyone killed, now a jet is flying around.

    i can confirm this i joined the server to check and it happened again
  7. Liquidator (DayZ)

    SCO 27 Admins not fairplay

    This is nothing to do with the admin this is hackers using scripts on other peoples servers.
  8. Liquidator (DayZ)

    UK117 Teleporthacker + Video proof

    happened to me 100s of times its a disgrace
  9. Liquidator (DayZ)

    Got random weapons

    i mean on an other server mate
  10. Liquidator (DayZ)

    Got random weapons

    This happened to everyone of us 650 like an hour ago
  12. Liquidator (DayZ)

    Spawned to this [video proof]

    I just joined DayZ EU2 and this happened fire everywhere and burnt out cars everywhere why do hackers want to wreck this game yesterday it everyone on a server i was on teleported to a deathmatch i had it on record but could only get the file size down to 165mb so i will only be able to upload that when the internet in my house is not getting used by other people in my house.
  13. Liquidator (DayZ)

    Spawned to this [video proof]

    aye seriously lads this was nothing compared to what happened yesterday scripters need to get banned hope that the dayz developers get a stand alone version and use a cheat system like vac or punkbuster
  14. Liquidator (DayZ)

    Spawned to this [video proof]

    I have played for about 2 weeks and never once seen fire in the sky and burnt out cars i have walked up and down the coast line + i spawned at otmel ah lol sorry mate i just clicked on/slow
  15. Liquidator (DayZ)

    Spawned to this [video proof]

    sorry i didn't realise i had music playing when i was recording
  16. Liquidator (DayZ)

    Sins of a hacking gamer...

    Skid go and fuck yourself hacking cunt go away and play your fuckin xbox you fuckin skid
  17. Liquidator (DayZ)

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase only if a monthly fee was introduced i would not continue to play i see it wrecks the gaming industry everyone i game with boycotts games like that.
  18. GB #500 Hacked everyone teleported to deathmatch I was playing with 2 of my mates and suddenly everyone in the server got teleported in to a death match I got this on record and am currently rendering/uploading to youtube
  19. Liquidator (DayZ)

    Fucking Hackers, WTF!!!

    This happened to my mates about an hour ago
  20. Liquidator (DayZ)


    i was with my mate i picked one or 2 people in that barn i think it was your mates and an other group me and my mate went up and then fuck loads of shooting happened we hid in the bushes and i shot a guy in the barn and a guy outside i shat my self when the smoke you through happened i was playing stupid and should have retreated when my mate died but i was greedy and went for the kill i was on 11 murders at that point and wanted to beat my record did you take my barrat i went back up to get it but broke my leg on the way and was like fuck it lol you 2 groups where fighting first we just casually came across the battle lol
  21. Liquidator (DayZ)

    Scottish 14 and 16 year old looking for a bandit group

    aye mate but we are more or less a clan and we play all the time together if ye are up fir it
  22. Liquidator (DayZ)

    Scottish 14 and 16 year old looking for a bandit group

    awryt mate a run a scottish bandit group with aw ma mates join our teamspeak
  23. Liquidator (DayZ)

    Anyone want to tam up?

    CluckingTiger i added ye on skype mate Tiocfaidh ár lá
  24. Liquidator (DayZ)

    I got Ambushed...

    this happened to me a few dayz ago in electoris it was pitch dark reed flares and a guy screamed down the mic at 4am my time "DROP THE F***** GUN" shat it turned around and went to press g to drop it but i was aiming at his head and he killed me
  25. Liquidator (DayZ)

    I got Ambushed...

    global chat i thought you only got that on unofficial dayz server sure it wasn't the bandits typing to you mate? ah you meant voice chat.