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Liquidator (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Liquidator (DayZ)

  1. I just joined DayZ EU2 and this happened

    fire everywhere and burnt out cars everywhere why do hackers want to wreck this game yesterday it everyone on a server i was on teleported to a deathmatch i had it on record but could only get the file size down to 165mb so i will only be able to upload that when the internet in my house is not getting used by other people in my house.

  2. Bandit Group Recruiting.

    We have a group of 11 People in our clan right now and we are looking for more people to join our clan

    We will accept people who have good banter

    7 Scottish

    2 Irish

    2 English

    Preferably looking for people who are sound with good banter and can speak good English.

    We have a teamspeak server and if you want to join i will private message you the ip

    • Like 1

  3. i was with my mate i picked one or 2 people in that barn i think it was your mates and an other group me and my mate went up and then fuck loads of shooting happened we hid in the bushes and i shot a guy in the barn and a guy outside i shat my self when the smoke you through happened i was playing stupid and should have retreated when my mate died but i was greedy and went for the kill i was on 11 murders at that point and wanted to beat my record did you take my barrat i went back up to get it but broke my leg on the way and was like fuck it lol

    you 2 groups where fighting first we just casually came across the battle lol
