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Everything posted by Freyar

  1. Freyar

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    I'd link Pinkie, but that'd just be weird. Happy Birthday, Rocket.
  2. Freyar

    New Website!

    Looks significantly better. Good work there, leaves a better first impression for sure.
  3. Even with headbobbing down to zero, it's still pretty bad.
  4. Even then, loot system doesn't seem to work like that. (Note, I just play the game, I don't work on it or anything.)
  5. Freyar

    A perfect example of anti fun banditry

    There has been a whole mess of posts regarding banditry, PvP, and community behavior regarding trust. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1107 http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=236 Yes, this thread has kinda moved on to balancing equipment, but at it's heart it's still a thread regarding PvP and it's incentives. :P
  6. There has been a whole mess of posts regarding banditry, PvP, and community behavior regarding trust. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1107 http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=236
  7. This notion of "It's cheating" seems to be misplaced. In a mixed environment, each has their own benefits and disadvantages (Third Person tends to result in misses with weapons at times despite the crosshair [granted, I prefer to play without the crosshair anyway]) in such a way that switching back and forth is fair enough. It's the culmination that having something that represents what is essentially my tool for "agency" makes for a much more appealing game. First-Person views are nice, but running for 15-30 minutes in first person kinda makes me sick and is less visually appealing.
  8. It's been said before that only certain models can use backpacks. Without those, you'd have no inventory. ;) The low-resolution ones (as posted in the screenshots above) look pretty bad, but with PMC installed, they actually get a good amount of detail. The shirts aren't plaid as far as I've seen, but during the day the vest in itself is significantly detailed.
  9. Freyar

    Legion Server....

    No biggy. Isn't like you make money off of them. (Or do you? :P)
  10. Freyar

    A view on this whole PvP fiasco

    Well, I think a lot of people are just keeping themselves out in the open which is a huge mistake. Sneaking into a city by crawling into one is actually pretty cool as it takes patience and paying attention to what is around you beyond 100m. Even then, I like to "hunt" people up close anyway.
  11. Freyar

    Dat feel...

    Turned bandit. ;)
  12. Freyar

    Problem with CBA

    You'll get a CBA_MAIN warning, if I recall correctly (I've ignored it for too long), but it isn't a problem.
  13. Freyar

    Things that need fixing pronto

    1) Bandit system needs to be reworked, if you play solo you'll never become a normal survivor because people constantly attack you. ---->Inherent risk with going solo. 2) Spawn system needs work, you should have a choice of were you spawn or spawn everyone near a main city. ---->You can figure out where you are with experience. Takes time, sure, but after awhile it isn't hard to identify where you started. Choosing where you spawn would be lame. 3) Force first person on all servers or lower the FOV for third person (We know why you guys want third person because you don't have any skill) ---->Don't speak for me. Third person doesn't bob as much as first person (even with head bobbing turned all the way down), and it looks better in general. Besides, third person targeting doesn't work anyway sometimes. 4) More RP elements ---->Like? 5) Selectable player models ---->Been suggested, we'll see where it goes. 6) A better map (too much useless open space) ---->Too much open space? You're new here aren't you? :P 7) Door opening and closing sounds so you can hear people coming in ---->Might be interesting.
  14. Freyar

    ArmA 2: CO in "Top Seller" list

    FoM? Face of Mankind? [/nostalgia]
  15. Freyar

    Dat feel...

    I found a man, and killed him. No one else heard the shot, so.. I assumed his role. I took his clothes, his arms, his munitions. I had taken his life so completely that I was now him.
  16. Freyar

    Karma affecting starting gear

    Seems like no one is willing to be the law-man in these parts.
  17. Freyar

    5 bag slots for a Flashlight?

    ...but I thought other people carried my beans?
  18. Freyar

    5 bag slots for a Flashlight?

    Solution: Make Car Windshields Bigger [/ikid]
  19. Freyar

    Trading post creation

    Any system-enforced peace would be damaging to the nature of the mod, I think. If you want a "safe" place to trade, you're going to have to make sure you have the people, the skill, and the ammunition to do it.
  20. Freyar

    5 bag slots for a Flashlight?

    It's a big flashlight? As far as I recall, those use two D-batteries, so they're pretty big. In a small pack it's understandable that it'd take a significant amount of space, and also why it'd be hard to wield both a pistol and the flashlight (though that may just be difficulty with ARMA II.) I was surprised at first, but once I got an ALICE pack it wasn't an issue.
  21. Freyar

    Missing 'Chernarus'

    As far as I understand, Chernarus is a map that is part of the original ARMA II piece. In short, you need ARMA II, and Operation Arrowhead installed, running OA as "Combined Operations" with the proper mod install. *Disclaimer: It's late, and I could be wrong. Would be helpful if you walked through your installation steps.
  22. Freyar

    Karma affecting starting gear

    Seeing Rocket's buried post gives me a bit of insight I didn't have before. Doesn't change my opinion much as of yet, though.
  23. Freyar

    IF this was an actual game...

    How would you rather pay for it? ---> Game purchase only? (Guild Wars stylez) ---> Free to play, buy your shit? (To an extent.) Also: - Community developed or studio developed? ----> It's honestly hard to say. While a studio could probably get it out of the door more reliably and in a decent amount of time, the community has always managed to do well at pitching in for good projects. I really can't argue either way. - Community or studio servers? or both? ----> Both could work. Keep the studio servers linked so those are the "publicly persistent" worlds. While community servers are limited to themselves. - Kickstarter? or not? ----> Kickstarter would be a neat idea, but it is VERY important that presentation be put together with ample time. Videos, future development, a CAREFUL application of whatever "rewards" for support should be looked at as well.
  24. Freyar


    He's just shy of 2 days of playtime.
  25. Freyar

    Character Motivations

    Granted, I'm still thinking about the idea, but my knee-jerk reaction is that it seems pulled from The Sims 3's little goal system which seems kind of out of place.