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Everything posted by stevejeon
Depends on your system and framerate. Basic Scenarios: If you are running a hyper gaming box and can get more frames per second than your display can produce turn it on cos all you are doing then is burning up gpu time. (why run 100fps when your display can only show 60?). (there is a setting on eve online and a few other games which will do it ~ funny that) If you are using 1 gpu and 1 screen leave it off if are getting under your screens refresh rate in terms of FPS and no tearing. (or at least tolerable screen tearing, if you go over turn it on). If you have 1 gpu and 2 screen's its possible to get tearing on 1 screen and not the other. (just pull the cable from the tearing screen and reconnect it, make sure the cable isn't beside a transformer or something cos that'll interfere with things but leave V-sync off) If you are using 2 gpu's leave it off since the gpu's need to sync the screen buffer and don't normally exhibit tearing anyway. If you DO use 2 or more GPU's and get tearing on one half of the screen, (which you might) check your drivers and reboot.
Put thousands of the things in the major cities and make it hell on earth. Make the horde spawn point separate from the player location and tied to server instance. Use the exaggerated wind drift from ace to determine zombie horde awareness. The horde spawn moves with wind effect dependant upon player location, if nothing attracts it the movement becomes random. Make the disease from Zeds contagious, eventually fatal, based upon zed concentration, dependant on said wind. Pray like hell you ain't on the down wind side. Hows that?
ARMA 2 regulars and people who got it for DayZ
stevejeon replied to eddie820's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Started with flashpoint, RH and Resistance. Could never complete the Resistance campaign though cos of my dumb assed AI team mates. You: Take Cover! Them: Crouches, stands, crouches, stands, runs out into the middle of the street, lies down and starts to spin round in circles. You: /facepalm. Didn't buy Dragon rising cos sod codemasters really. /Finkle. Default Head bob and track IR. Holy crap that made me puke. -
Improve servers :build foundations before you build a house
stevejeon replied to makeme's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Go multiplayer. Sort servers by ping. Refresh, watch for 48 or 49/50. Limit yourself to 100ms or 125 ms, Grab and join. You should never have to wait more than a minute. Its easy unless you try to join something stupid like Virginia servers or play during the day. Damn, half the time I pick and choose. P.s. Shorten your subject title. -
To Summarise... Since it appears we've lost a weeks worth of suggestions and all the stickies because of some script kiddy mouth breather imagining he's a grown up or something. I can remember: 1. Bicycles. (fixed) 2. ACRE and radios.. cos though it would be a bitch to set up radios and walkie talkies are cool. (one or two CB stations in towns or at towers giving regional eavesdropper capacity). 3. ACE cos its too easy to shoot people far a way and lets face it things are a bit easy at the minute. 4. Gas masks for biohazard zones. 5. Contagion ~ Airborne disease possibility (variable on a wounding, bleeding, zed density, wind etc) fixable through antivirals, preventable by gas masks). 6. Flash-bangs. ~ cos it'll be hysterical when you've fallen over, are deaf/blind and every zed in a square KM comes running. 7. Adaptable night vision. viability increase over time at night so it gradually approximates the gamma cheat, screw-able by muzzle flash, light sources, flash-bangs. 8. Nerf food, ammo, spawn with sod all but compass, map, watch.. cos it'll be funny when coast dwellers try to spawn kill each other when unarmed and starving. 9. Kill the chopper radar or change it since it should only work on heat sig and broken car's aren't notoriously hot unless they are on fire. 10. Kill the choppers entirely cos the arma chopper flight model is crap anyway and you'd need to be an aircraft mechanic to fix one and speaking of aircraft mechanics.. 11. Survivor specialisations, since it appears in the zombie apocalypse everyone is an identifit expert sniper, mechanic, pilot and trauma surgeon. 12. Speaking of identifit, the ability to mark and id players as recognisable and a variety of other ID type mechanics. (I can't remember them all) 13. Speaking of remembering people, more skins... lots and lots of them. 14. Speaking of skin. Dahmerism as a mechanic cos some people are just odd like that and a bit fucking weird. 15. Speaking of weird, 1 Mil 24D per map cos that'll never be overkill though it makes sense given the military background. (lets just say no to that) 16. APC's with all the fun and visibility involved for its passengers. (naah, don't think so on that either) 17. Somewhere to park, semi permanent encampments, player policed regions. (that's so cute given the server persistence) 18. Build-able encampments. yark yark, in the pipeline as far as i can remember. (correct me on this) 19. Disconnect and logoffski fixes. 20. Trappable stiffs, killing either gear or even better looters. 21. IED's and nasty improvised things cos a bear trap would be a right laugh when you're running from something. 22. Scenario mods. Quarantine and wall off cherno and electro and make the cities hell on earth with over a thousand zeds in each. Chopper/boat accessible only. The chopper organised or batshit suicidal need only apply. Anything else? What did i miss, get wrong? Corrections/amendments a go go.
I believe the idea was no starter beans Yak, just geography. That way you'd have an idea of where to go but nothing worth killing for and it would get you acclimatised somewhat to the environment. (shooting survivors would mean you actually survived long enough to find a gun and didn't mind dying for using it) Asellia: How would your ideas work? Give us details.
Improve servers :build foundations before you build a house
stevejeon replied to makeme's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Whaddya mean where can you find the beta? first google response for ARMA 2 beta = http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php Aside from that how do you suggest he improves servers? Is he going to pay for them or is he going to take responsibility for the actions of others. Metrics would be nice. (sorry, I'm being bitchy but its been annoying me for a while) A lot of guys are renting out VM's as arma boxes without either knowing what they are renting or how to use the operating system, even base systems throughput is an unknown mechanism for a lot of guys. They don't know how to run services or even determine the resources needed to use them. The complaint you are making is not so much the game, its understanding and affordability of servers and associated bandwidth. Basically you are barking up the wrong tree. -
Welcome back! Good timing too since you've managed to miss a weeks worth of general. I've forgotten a tonne of well thought out ideas and the guys who came up with them should really add on and elaborate (some of them even had maths). I can't remember any of the humanity/banditry concepts for example cos I didn't read them. :-) (air-france? lol, hope you weren't attached to the laptop. Breaking a tough-book takes real skill but they managed)
Yup. Come the zombie apocalypse everyone reverts to Kohlberg stage 1 if they ever left it in the first place. Its kinda amusing if you ever consider such things. What would you have done?
If You Could Add 1 Weapon to DayZ...
stevejeon replied to zak757's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
AI-AWSM. PSG-1 Or just for a laugh. Pancor Jackhammer, AA-12 or HK CAWS. -
What are the requirements of this game?
stevejeon replied to georgepatton (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Collectively Arma 2 and op arrowhead are referred to as combined operations. (both products combine and are available as a package) Basically: Arma 2 (product available individually) Op Arrowhead (other product available individually) Combined : Arma 2 and Arrowhead in a 1 pack. (get both!) BAF and PMC: official addons and quite good btw. ACE and ACRE. Not official addon's...Yeah.. start wondering about people around here. PR 0.15, yeah... The guys sitting bitching about TOH and air cushions and null vortices yark yark, do us all a favour and just shot them. -
Find the source of the infection and cure it. (off ya go, I'll wait here :p )
Does Directional Channel voice chat work?
stevejeon replied to [email protected]'s topic in New Player Discussion
Everyone on the machine has to use a bata patch after 920781. Easy way to test it: If its dark, find another survivor, sneak up behind them, yell 'BOO' as loud as you can into your mic and if they waste more than 1 mag flailing about panicking it works.. (edit, when it works and you're running for your life to find a bunch of British squaddies is fucking glorious, get your VON working and you'll hear it. \Wait guys!, friendlys incoming, wait, friendlys. watch, ready guys?, wait.., wait...., clear! GO! and the horizon lights up with gunfire ) -
People can't read my chat messages?
stevejeon replied to austendude's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Yes. You're in group mode. Check your controls and bind as appropriate. Arma 2 controls is click to bind then another to talk. E.g. For me its (,)(.) change channel and cycle through them then (/) to talk in channel or (Pad 9) talk direct, (Pad 6) talk side. (it actually means I can type in one channel and speak in another at the same time) -
[STEAM] Playing with Friends in offline mode?
stevejeon replied to JoeF's topic in New Player Discussion
You can play arma 2 but online is a requirement. DayZ is online only. There is as of yet no offline mode but you can bypass steam just by shortcutting the exe. eg, this is mine for the beta: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash and this is mine for the release: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\arma2oa.exe" -mod=@dayz -nosplash Steams system is irrelevant though you can use it if you want. (its audio calls will override VON for example) (if you have never played arma before seriously do the tutorials first ~ and not experience here, realise you can bandage people when they go down especially when you accidentally shoot them in the back of the head cos really.... aiming. its not difficult) -
Please remove the flashing screen from game
stevejeon replied to Szperacz's topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
Gaah! It's a .4 script error? Can you throw the code lines to someone please Fenrix cos this is seriously annoying. -
Two people on same router, disconnect issue
stevejeon replied to a butt's topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
Make sure NAT is enabled on your router. What you are describing is something called packet address collision and should only exist where either NAT is disabled and its running route mode or both clients are using the same MAC address (or one is cloned, sniffing your traffic, SPYING on you etc, etc) (though as the guys above say, you could just be cheating and using the same game ID which would be a bit silly) -
Is my System Good Enough? (+ Another Question)
stevejeon replied to Asellia's topic in New Player Discussion
Combined ops includes both so no point in that really. Just get Arrowhead and probably pick up PMC for the model textures. Your machine specs will do the job for a single display, probably fail on multi. (arma's SLI scaling is comedy level bad so don't bother, its all CPU) -
Please remove the flashing screen from game
stevejeon replied to Szperacz's topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
Upped back to 93160 on EU7 last night and still got it on my initial spawn. Killed my self a few times and it only reappeared once and as I've previously said its independent of graphics settings. (The only benefit of leaving graphics as standard is at night you can't see shit anyway so the effect is subtle). It appears to be inconsistent as hell though which is going to be problematic. I'm using Nvidia too btw. Anyone getting it with ATI? -
What graphical settings do you play on?
stevejeon replied to austendude's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Don't use fraps. Its shit for benchmarking. Launch game > Single Player > Scenarios > Benchmark 01, 02 and 08. Benchmark 2 is murder though, I only get about 20 fps at that. 01 and 08 go at about 45-60. My specs are very high but performance is offset by 6000x1080 adjusted screen resolution. (H100 cooled 3930k, Rampage IV, 32gb ram, twin GTX 590's, 3 GD245's, 2 Cougar MFD's with UM-80's, warthog hotas, combat pro pedals, g930 headset and track IR yadda yadda, a few other bits and pieces) -
WTF is happening to the server community.
stevejeon replied to Koot (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Given kids and renters. What did you honestly expect? Look at the shit going on in the server channel. (cheap servers for rent and everything is peachy!!... 100mb unlimited bandwidth. no congestion, old assed Xeons that can't do the job an they'll pour out more heat than processing power...grow the fuck up). Its a feeding frenzy of fuck wits and liars.. -
So what are the "unofficial" signs for being friendly?
stevejeon replied to Oddball_E8's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Direct chat? Talking to people and making them aware of your existence? (Even if they can't respond they should at least be able to hear your tone of voice.) Not shooting first? Not pointing a gun at their head? Normal behaviour? How do you quantify it. It takes a lot more balls NOT to shoot and being frightened of the risk is a kids choice. -
The thing is that (which for some reason a lot of people are ignoring probably because they're selfishly retarded and a bit stupid) the day/night balance is completely fucked. Some people can see OK and others get the 'may as well turn your monitor off' type pitch black balance even if they change their settings. There is no consistency at all. I like night time personally cos I can see everything anyway and get a brilliant opportunity to sneak up behind people and yell BOO in direct chat. (to whoever that was in cherno last night... no I'm not sorry, it was really funny.)
Arma Beta Patch 93160 is live....
stevejeon replied to MrBlue21's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
The beta patches don't do anything to your actual install. If you have steam your original game version will exist at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\arma2oa.exe There will be a separate short cut (in that directory) called 'Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch' pointing to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe To make the beta patch work just copy the shortcut to your desktop and use that instead of steam. It should pick up the mod automatically. -
People only surviving 27 minutes or is it a bug?
stevejeon replied to pantsumann's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Spawn campers probably don't help. I just watched some half-wit sit and serial kill people spawning in Cherno. Dying before you can even see the screen won't do much for your statistics.