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About Stigmata87

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. addressed to the kind sir whining about the following.: If the new comabt logging systems kills me one time because of my bad internetconnection ill stop playing DayZ. If i get killed by a glitch or a stupid bandit.. its okay.. but when the devs starts to implement stuff that kills me for my bad inet its enough an no more fun. Please please please, just don't play a game if you know your Computer And/Or Internet connection sucks. Whine about others when your hardware does not support this, comeon ! :S Please please please just stay away.! wish your internet connection dropped when typing that post of yours.
  2. Bump just because this is such an epic server. been here a week, love the clan, love the fact i haven't encountered a hacker. been in vehicles and heli's. epic stuff Bump.!
  3. Zombies are easy to come by with. yes if i go over an street i press Z and lay on he ground, once i'm over it i press my C and run further, you can walk past zombies behind them, if they dont see you in line of sight. if you see a zombie agro from for example 20meters away, you yourself run 10 meters further in an open area. you will see behind you 10 meters the zombie stop for a second, then continue running cause probably your still standing and running in that open area If you would Run to a bush, and then to the next bush if possible, press C and walk further or Z and crouch further, then you probably lost the zed. i run through 3 bushes or pine trees. and im sure i lost those 15 zeds behind me Zombies allways run to the point they see or hear you, then they look further. so if you can run around a corner and "walk" a little. you probably lost the zed allready. practice a bit. its all in the stances and your walk/run method
  4. Stigmata87


    My first and only post on this Forum, been playing this game for 2 or 3 months, loved it, first game in ages that make me catch my breath, first game since ages making my heart beat that crazy. I took the few hacks for what it was, and kept telling my friends to not get attached to gear etc etc. But last week was just insane got killed to many times by what we know for a fact where hackers ( not posting long story about the facts seen them enough on forums ) building a camp with my 4 friends far far away near the border of the map cause of the glitches in intresting-towns, which at this moment are unbearable. Today killed by same hacker 3 times in 2.5 hours. as i sad first post, partly to bump this intrestig topic up about dying comunity, but unfortunately also to say goodbye to the dedicated people trying to get this game to the top and bash the hackers. im off and might be back once things get solved or if the dedicated Dayz game is out.