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Everything posted by MoronToTheKore

  1. It's a good idea for now. Removing the skins was a very bad idea so early in Day Z's life. Of course it's not the optimal solution, I do not like the idea of "skins as humanity" metaphor, but it's the best solution for now. KOS was killing Day Z's individuality.
  2. MoronToTheKore

    Arma 3 engine does not support windows xp

    Holy shit man. Upgrade! It's not that expensive to hop over to 7 or vista. Better yet, nab some savings and get a new computer!
  3. MoronToTheKore

    finally done with this game (at least for some weaks)

    I had the same problems with Minecraft. Fact is, games in active development just don't have all the meaty structure a completed game does, you'll get bored quickly if you try to play with the consistency of a finished game. Take a break for a while, maybe a few patches. Hopefully now that the whole standalone hubbub is over Rocket can really crack down on development and we'll see an increase in either quality or pacing.
  4. MoronToTheKore

    IF this was an actual game...

    -Game purchase only please. We already bought Arma 2. -Studio developed, christ, do you think we'd want to ditch you? -Community servers. Unless; -You should try a Kickstarter. Use it to fund some studio based servers and, obviously, development. The important bit is keeping in touch with your community; ala Minecraft. Listen to their ideas, take their money and put it to proper use, keep them involved and tied up in development. Nothing builds a following better.
  5. Sigh... I'm sorry to hear your experience with the game kinda sucked man. We're dealing with some really tenuous data here, it being in alpha and all. Plus, there's rampant hacking that Rocket can't do shit about, and a whole culture of KOS attached to the game. It's kinda rough going right now. But that's what you do as a playtester, you deal with the crap and try to have fun with it and hope your input helps the game take form.
  6. MoronToTheKore

    This is how I run over long distances.

    Oh, dude, I had McDonalds today too. Double quarter-pounder with cheese is my shit.
  7. MoronToTheKore

    General Discussion Slowly Dying?

    ... There have been a shit ton of posts and topics made since yesterday. I don't have any idea why you can't see them.
  8. MoronToTheKore


    We've all had some bad experiences lately. We feel you. But understand that most users here are running out of paitence for rants like this, every single day, you know? Most of them are going to react acidically.
  9. MoronToTheKore

    The wave of script restrictions...

    I know right?! They really aren't doing much to keep people's faith here. I spoke in their favor, y'know, told people they were dealing with shit they never could have expected. I'm beginning to think maybe my optimism was misplaced.
  10. MoronToTheKore

    my six launcher is still at v

    Because the update didn't actually release yet.
  11. MoronToTheKore

    BattleEye Ruined My Game

    Nobody actually disbelived you here dude. We've just seen this kinda stuff constantly for quite a while now. Most users are finding paitence running thin.
  12. MoronToTheKore

    BattleEye Ruined My Game

    Bro, that user posts a lot of sarcasm. XD
  13. Excellent.I'm really curious as to what the fuck actually happened over the last two hours.
  14. MoronToTheKore

    [BattlEye] Cheaters don't matter

    And then they get re-banned when BattleEye finally get their shit together. So let's all settle down here,
  15. MoronToTheKore

    How To Heal A Broken Bone

    I totally thought I'd need a splint or something when I first starting playing. Someone told me that all I needed was Morphine and I was all "Bullshit, morphine does not restore functionality to a broken limb!". Then he told me they're just fractures.
  16. MoronToTheKore

    A basic analogy of the Updates

    You're assuming the only interactions are those of a different humanity "faction".And you also seem to be assuming that skins are permanent.
  17. Did they? I'm hesitant to check with all the crazy stuff going on.
  18. Now don't start celebrating so quick... who knows what may happen in five minutes.
  19. You know, this whole situation is actually fucking hilarious. BattleEye steps up to the plate, ready to crack down on the hackers... and bans everybody for who knows how long.
  20. MoronToTheKore

    A basic analogy of the Updates

    That's quite a harsh assesment. I'd say having the entire playerbase KOS, for cruelty or understanable paranoia, was degrading the mod more than having skins.
  21. MoronToTheKore

    Script Restriction #87?

    Omigosh man just look at the thread list before you ask! Please. :)
  22. MoronToTheKore

    Why this mod is failing

    I thought the whole point of the forums was to have some good, wholesome discussion about the mod.I mean, after the past two weeks, I'll bet the mods are pretty fucking tired of tsunami of BS that just keeps coming.
  23. Ugh, BatteEye just keeps going from bad to worse. I had faith in you BattleEye! Why have you forsaken meeeeeeee
  24. MoronToTheKore


    Right now it only resets when you switch outfits. Sometimes. It's bugged. I'm pretty sure the implicaiton is that it's supposed to be a permanent feature.
  25. I'm pretty sure the humanity skins are just a temporary solution to a much larger problem.