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Everything posted by MoronToTheKore

  1. MoronToTheKore

    My experience of DayZ mod...

    Nice guys. Real classy. Vitrol is always the right response on a forum.
  2. MoronToTheKore

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    Because bronies are everywhere man.
  3. MoronToTheKore


    Aaaaand what do you think that satchel is filled with? Probably some good 'ol comp c.
  4. MoronToTheKore

    Humanity groundhog day?

    Clearly you just need to have sex with Andie MacDowell to break the cycle.
  5. MoronToTheKore

    The number one thing I hate about DayZ...

    Eating cans of cold beans isn't exactly a pleasent experience. :(
  6. MoronToTheKore

    How do you normally die?

    I avoid high-pop servers because I got killed a bunch by hackers. But that just means I don't see any other players. Without any distractions zombies are easy to avoid. Honestly, I just don't die very often anymore. And somehow, it sucks.
  7. MoronToTheKore

    No more night?

    Moon cycles make nighttime less/more dark too.
  8. You're right, I missed the 'BattleEye developer" tag on that forum post. My bad.
  9. So what I'm getting from this is that BE is going to use community developed fixes for something they couldn't do themselves. Bluh.
  10. I'm not saying they're difficult to get, you barely need a hunting license to be able to get a fuckin' BFG in America. And sure, there are plenty of guns floating around both countries. But we're talking about Chernarus, some little smudge on the map of Eastern Europe. I'm assuming that a country whose biggest city doesn't even hit 100K wouldn't exactly be rife with the criminal element, and the people certainly aren't rich enough to want (or need) anti-material rifles. I agree that Cherno and Elektro should be dangerous hotspots of PvP. I like that natural evolution of play. But when there isn't actually anyone in the city, and twelve snipers up on the hill shooting people for no good reason, it kind of breaks the flow of play. The two cities almost seem like the tail end of the disaster, timeline wise, you know? Zombies everywhere, people frantically running through the streets, chaos, violence. Then as you head up north, the timeline segues to post-disaster. Or, at least, it should be that way. But in reality you crouch-run through those cities dodging rifle bullets fired from a mile away like it's some sort of training exercise.
  11. MoronToTheKore

    Should Zombies be abel to "one shot you" ?

    Since these aren't really "zombies" so much as "infected persons", who clearly have the ability to sprint like some motherfuckers, I'd say it's appropriate. Perhaps your melon nailed the corner of a shelf or something, you know? I'd like to see the KO hits occur at lower blood levels though, if at all.
  12. It's bugged to all hell right now. It's supposed to be tied to humanity but, you know how it is.I cannot wait to get that Hero skin thought for real. It's just so cool.
  13. MoronToTheKore

    when is gonna come to sixlauncher

    Since Rocket and co. are going to GamesCon this week, I wouldn't expect it before Saturday. If the hotfix had gone over well, perhaps we would see it this week, but we all know what a disaster it actually was.
  14. MoronToTheKore

    End Game / Nothing to do

    Going to have to heartily disagree with you there. Any form of media requires input by the consumer to fully enjoy. Brainless fun is well and good, but entertainment has a much broader reach than that.
  15. Well, there's no denying that duping has exacerbated the problem. Like, quite a bit. You've got a good gun, plenty of ammo to waste, NVGs to remove any natural advantages, and a wookie suit to prevent anyone from seeing you. All for little to no effort. The quantity of people camping the coast was way more manageable back in the day, and if we can return to those kinds of levels and have a bigger variety of kit differences for the people who do try to camp, problem solved in my opinion. Not a rare gun in America, maybe. We're talking about a militarized post-soviet (read; poor) state here. Do you know how hard it can be to get a gun in Russia? Not to mention any 50 cal rifle can cost you several thousand dollars and rounds can be incredibly expensive. If Day Z was set in the US I'd agree with you, but a 50 cal in the arms of a civvy in Chenarus doesn't make any sense.
  16. MoronToTheKore

    End Game / Nothing to do

    Well, I mean, this thing has only been in real development for a few months now. It's not going to have a full cycle of play. It's barely functional as is, and people want to see one of the hardest parts of making a game developed already? Jeez.
  17. MoronToTheKore

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Your math is bullshit. "Less than 150k" is 10% of the playerbase, and having 10% of your playerbase online at any given time is an astounding feat. Let me reiterate; those numbers are incredible. I guess you don't really know much about this stuff though.
  18. MoronToTheKore

    How do hackers have THIS MUCH control

    Take solace in the fact that if Rocket wants the first stages of the standalone to out "this year", it has to be within five months, and I'm pretty sure he isn't gonna wait until the day before New Year's.
  19. 'tis the journey, not the destination.
  20. MoronToTheKore

    What software do you use for voice comms?

    I like using the in-game comms, just for immersion's sake.
  21. I put "other" for HELL NO. There are some things that may be degrading the consistency of the mod right now, OHK snipers are pretty low on that list. That's going too far in artificial balance.
  22. MoronToTheKore

    Dayz/ArmA 3?

    This is an excellent fount of knowledge, just reposting for truth here. Reddit is where I get my info, rocket certainly posts there more often than here.
  23. MoronToTheKore

    Weapons that you wish were in the game

    I'd like to see some more upper class civilian weapons, you know? Being a mod for a military simulator there's just so much cool military kit. But the few weps Rocket made for the mod don't balance the distribution. It would give a much larger breadth of progression instead of just "Have shitty makarov" to "have uzi as sidearm". I have a soft spot for shotguns, too, there can never be too many shotguns. - Any range of Mossbergs! - An honest to god .44! - AR-15 for civ class rifles. - The Walther P99. - One of those nifty Saiga rifles. Not the shotguns, the rifles. - But hey, the Saiga 12 is really easy to obtain in eastern Europe. - MP-446 Viking. It's the civilian version of the MP-443, and it looks awesome.
  24. I'd gladly pay full price for a standalone title, so long as the work they put into the engine differentiates itself enough from Arma 3. (assuming that's what they'll be doing) However, I'd love to be able to buy in early for a discount, a la minecraft. I mean, shit, if the idea tanks halfway through development, at least they have that guaranteed revenue. I'm all about Rocket and his future dev team getting their due for the work they've done. It really just depends on what development model they go with.
  25. MoronToTheKore

    My best DayZ experience thus far.

    You know, last night was a good night for me too. I spawned on the coast, natch, but I wanted to hit Elektro and Cherno for phat lewt anyway. I found a bike on the side of road, in good condition no less, right? So I spent the next three hours riding a little bicycle through zombie infested cities, found some awesome kit, got shot at a bunch, and didn't experience a single glitch, hacker, or reset. It was fucking awesome.