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Everything posted by MoronToTheKore

  1. That's a bitch, I was just going to send in a application.
  2. MoronToTheKore

    This game is unplayable

    His employment or contract with BI has fuck all to do with the progress of the mod. Are you saying he shouldn't have gone to the worlds biggest gaming convention, a fucking honor? Maybe he should have just skipped the standalone thing? So you could have some texture bugs fixed? These things take TIME, and right now, he has none. He's working his ass off making sure shit is gonna be real as fuck in three months but you want your nigh instant gratification.
  3. MoronToTheKore

    This game is unplayable

    It dosen't matter what it's fucking called. Rocket is too busy ensuring that the standalone will be a thing to give a fuck about the mod. And you know what? That's fucking fine with me because he's only been absent for two weeks. Two. If that's some sort of inexcusable gap in development, by all means, never play a work in progress game again. Clearly you don't have the patience for it.
  4. MoronToTheKore

    What happened to...

    It's just a lull right now with the hubbub of standalone and gamescon.
  5. MoronToTheKore

    More competition for the stand alone?

    Heheh. It does seen coincidental, huh? But the lack of multiplayer makes it a totally different game. I like the look of this though!
  6. MoronToTheKore

    [REVIEW] DayZ Staff Communication

    I didn't realize anyone else was actively developing the mod pre-Gamescon. Oh, that's right, they weren't.
  7. MoronToTheKore

    Combat Logging you fuckers.

    Guys. He's not complaining so much as commiserating. Maybe we can not be dicks? Sorry to hear that it happened. Again. I have to deal this shit on a daily basis. But it'll be better soon. This is something that can be fixed even before standalone.
  8. MoronToTheKore


    This is literally a thread on this exact same topic two spaces down as of this post.
  9. MoronToTheKore

    [REVIEW] DayZ Staff Communication

    Heheh, that's cool, but fact is Rocket is really fucking busy right now and he can't be bothered to write a post telling us what we already know. A two week silence isn't ignoring us, it's having more important shit to do FOR us. If you watched the Gamescon interviews, or read a transcript, you'd know what's up for the mod and the game right now. End of story. Fanboy? Garbage? Cute. I like dayz, I think rocket is a smart guy. So I don't like it when he gets trashed for bullshit reasons. He's a person too.
  10. MoronToTheKore

    [REVIEW] DayZ Staff Communication

    Who gives a shit? Between flying over Europe twice, making a presentation at the biggest gaming convention in the world, putting together a standalone game, and jumping the millions of legal hoops required for that to happen, putting together a team for said standalone, contacting web designers, art assistants, planning the next four months, preparing the next update, and maye sleeping a little, there's not much time for anything else. Aren't you satisfied that the standalone is a thing that is happening? Does that not tell you enough about the LOADS of work being done at this exact moment? Why do you need a forum post to tell you that? All they could say is "Shit is totally happening, living on caffeine pills and Ramen, haven't talked to girlfriend in six days, no details on next update yet."
  11. MoronToTheKore

    [REVIEW] DayZ Staff Communication

    Rocket did like four interviews at Gamescon. The rest of the dev team is probably still being assembled, sorted, and tasked for the standalone. What more could you want from the last two weeks? I mean, seriously, it's been TWO weeks since we heard from the dev team. You know what happened in that time? Standalone. Kind of a big fucking deal.
  12. MoronToTheKore


    I have to admit, the title made me chuckle.
  13. This is what, the fifth time this stuff has been posted? I've honestly never seen a spambot so focused on one forum.
  14. MoronToTheKore

    Vehicles.. Lets be honest

    The solution to the problem is not to add more of the problem.
  15. MoronToTheKore

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    Oh for fuck's sake. That fucking show has outgrown its target demographic. The pop culture references (The Big Lebrowski, Dr. Who, Madonna, Rolling Stones, etc etc) are aimed at adults in their early twenties. The characterization is good, the plot is fairly complex, and the art style/animation is more impressive than many animated shows out there today. These are things I noticed after watching like three fucking episodes with my daughter. If you can't appreciate the intrinsic value of something, don't fucking criticize it. You're not a critic then; you're just some asshole with an opinion. A shitty opinion based on ignorance of neutral judgement. And for the love of GOD the bashing of these guys has to stop. Yes, a portion of them are socially inept neckbeards with no lives. Yes, a minute quantity of them may well be pedophiles happy to find a mainstream clique to fit in with. Yes, some of them may sexualize the show and it's characters. You know what the percentages of bronies are those three types? Probably the SAME FUCKING PERCENTAGES of people in ANY group in society. Betcha you know a few bronies. Bet a few of them were near your children too. You know what he was thinking about your kids? Nothing because he was a normal fucking guy like you with a job, a girlfriend, bills to pay, a house to keep. Dude just happened to think MLP was a pretty cool thing. Who the hell cares? Bronies can be fucking annoying. Seriously. I'm all for theming but for the love of god, do you really need ponies in every part of your profile? I'd think that was cool if it wasn't the umpteenth time I've seen it. And the threads, the injection into every single fandom ever. Again, it'd be fine if it wasn't EVERYWHERE. Bronies, your crime is of being kind of loud and obnoxious and omnipresent. But fuck, at least they're NICE about it.
  16. MoronToTheKore

    I have Had Enough Of This

    What part of "nothing can be done" did you not understand? It wasn't an exaggeration; Arma's most basic code is built to allow scripting. You literally cannot change that without making sweeping changes to the game's most fundamental pieces. Since this is a mod, that is dumb. Since this was a mod originally made to be played by a small subset of the Arma community, who certainly would want to play the base game normally as well, the idea is doubly dumb. The fact that dayz makes vanilla Arma a bitch to get working again is already scandalous. If I see one more suggestion that Rocket should/has to/chose not to do something the hacking I'm going to scream. Completely in-effectively since this is the fucking Internet, but for fuck's sake, I hate seeing someone create something wonderful and be met with nothing but bitching and uneducated criticism.
  17. MoronToTheKore

    Graphic Glitch / Texture Bug - Workaround

    This is pretty well known now, but I don't think I've seen a thread on it for a while so it's aight.
  18. MoronToTheKore

    Hero Skin vs Crap Bandit Skin

    You just single-handedly insulted dozens of closely related cultures. I hope you are happy.
  19. MoronToTheKore

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    No, I think you'll find that they're genuine fans of the show. They've got a huge presence on the web, you don't do that ironically.And yeah, I'd say they're doing their microscopic part to disassemble gender stereotypes.
  20. MoronToTheKore

    Worth updating to

    It seems like most people aren't having a good time with it. It's basically a crapshoot as to whether you'll benefit or see no change. I'm one of the lucky ones who isn't seeing anymore graphical glitches, but...
  21. MoronToTheKore

    Airfield not dangerous, pine trees are

    It's the zombie apocalypse and The Happening all in one!
  22. MoronToTheKore

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    The more you insult them, the nicer they are to you. Just fyi.
  23. MoronToTheKore

    My experience of DayZ mod...

    I'd like to apologize on behalf of the forum for the fucking hating and yelling going on here. Even if they are right. This is a mod that's barely functional right now. It's not a secret, it's not being marketed as even 10% done. It's not even being marketed yet. EDIT: Uh, god forbid I miss an i every once in a while.
  24. MoronToTheKore

    Why is a high ping so BAD?

    You do know what ping is right? It's a rough calculation of how fast your connection to the server is. The higher the number, the longer it takes for data to transfer, the more lag and shit that happens. It affects everyone else too, so try to avoid doing that to a large group of people if you can.
  25. MoronToTheKore

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    There's nothing sinister about enjoying a quality show. It's got more heart and fiber than most TV, of any kind.