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About MoronToTheKore

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    Seyda Neen
  1. MoronToTheKore

    Rocket: Losing faith.

    ...? Tents are already implemented so I'm unsure of the point you're trying to make. They worked before, that's all the proof that's needed that they'll work again. They're a feature. Currently broken, but still a feature that bug fixes will re-enable. Dogs are a new feature; it's more important that Rocket can show he can develop new features right now. Feature creation is what games are made of, bug fixing is rote work that is expected to a certain degree for all games.
  2. MoronToTheKore

    Rocket: Losing faith.

    You all are going to be salty as fuck when the standalone is fucking awesome. You're all a bunch of pessimists justifying your hate by calling everyone else a fanboy. You have no patience for the unique position this game-thing is in. If you can't respect the unusual development cycle DayZ is going through, then you really shouldn't participate in it. You, me, and all of us are fucking lucky DayZ got as far as it did. It's a mod, a mod that is going to be turned into a fully-fledged game. I can think of two other examples of this happening, and I shouldn't have to name them. For the love of Christ, shut the fuck up about the conventions Rocket's been going to. If he hadn't gone he would not have forged the connections or attracted the attention he now has. It is crucial for someone without a marketing budget to have important people talking about his game. Without talk, there are no sales. Without sales, there is no game. We'd get a barebones standalone with great promise but nobody to make it happen. On a related fucking note, he focused on dogs instead of bugfixes because he needed to impress these same people with features. He had to prove that he could create a game that has a multifaceted, full environment to interact with. These industry fatcats fucking know that bugs and hacking will be a much reduced problem with standalone, and Rocket knows they know. That part is crucial to understand; it was an important, if ill timed, choice he had to make. A bug-free game that has a short feature-span equates to a bite-sized game or a complete failure. Rocket is aiming for something much more than that. Please, for the love of god, understand why things are happening before you start bitching and besmirching the good name of a pretty cool guy.
  3. MoronToTheKore

    Why is a high ping so BAD?

    Why was it necessary to rez this thread?
  4. MoronToTheKore

    I Shot A Zombie And It Said It Hurts?

    Yeah it's just a holdover from Arma's voice clips. Certain lines only trigger after certain damage types/values etc etc. Not all of them got replaced. But this is one of those occasions where a bug could turn into a compelling game element, like Minecraft's creepers and some such. It would be creepy as fuck to hear the occasional, barely human mumble off "young" zombies. They are technically just infected peoples, not reanimated corpses.
  5. Long? That was like five sentences. Very polite ones, too. But apparently you don't want responses, so piss off yah Troll. I'm out.
  6. Yes yes yes we know. We know. They may not have been nice about it, but those guys are right. These threads are repetitive and superfluous; there's really nothing more to say on the matter at this point. It sucks, we all hate it, some of us are struggling through it. I appreciate that you didn't bitch at Rocket or the rest of the dev team though, common courtesy is very nice to see. I'd recommend trying to find a private server, one that you have to request permission to join, or join a loose clan with a server. The hackers have a much reduced presence in those, and if they do appear, they get perma-banned from the server.
  7. MoronToTheKore

    Now, I would like to know why

    Informing people isn't a dumb idea at all, but putting a legit weapons list in-game would be de-gamifying. It would be a terrible immersion breaker, plus it would ruin the unknown plateau of equipment. Lots of people, me included, dislike meta-gaming until we've played for a good bit.Plus, the whole idea is a response to a problem with the game, not an addition to the game itself. That's bad game design. The solution isn't to provide us with the ability to avoid the problem, it's to fix the problem. That'll happen, so I say no worries.
  8. MoronToTheKore

    Admin Crackdown?

    Because the bitching was repetitive. If they'd had something new or constructive to say, let the shitposters post. But they didn't. It was fucking stupid. I'm glad they're doing some cleaning.
  9. Of all the people who posted, including me, most of us would end up dying. I like to think I'm a good shot with my wittle shotgun. I'm pretty fit and fast. I've got a bike, various camping/survival gear, and respectable distance from an urban area. I can hunt, skin and cook an animal. Plus I've got a handy little survival book. Knowledge is power and all that. But honestly, none of that makes a difference. There's just so many variables to something like an apocalypse. Plus, there's really no way to accurately assess your mental ability. Who could actually stay calm, avoid crowd paranoia, make rational decisions, hell, avoid just going completely crazy? Who knows!
  10. MoronToTheKore

    Now, I would like to know why

    You shouldn't be punished for picking up a gun that's already in-game. Some people may not know it's hacked. The collateral for banning people who just posses these things would be far too high. Plus, right now, it's not like things are balanced anyway. No reason to get anal about weapon balance when the problem won't be solved for a little while. But I'm with OP, I don't pick them up. It feels kinda dirty.
  11. Good post, basically said what I wanted to say.I feel like 15 bucks is a fair price.
  12. MoronToTheKore

    DayZ f2p??

    Just buy into the alpha early. If it isn't to your liking whenever you get around to playing it, you only lost a couple bucks.
  13. MoronToTheKore

    Mod reached it's peak... See ya in full game

    Totally, the best post on the forum happens to be from someone you share the same belligerent opinion with. Yes, that is the epitome of composition.Except not because you're clearly just grasping at straws to support your antagonism. If you find something wrong with the mod, there is devheaven and the bug report/troubleshooting sections here in this forum. If you want to discuss features/community/opinions, debate the relevance of any once of those topics, this here section is great. Otherwise, fuck off. Nobody gives a shit about your rage anymore. Seen it already, plenty of times. Nothing more to say about it. Leave, and leave quietly.
  14. MoronToTheKore

    Mod reached it's peak... See ya in full game

    Hey, OP, buddy, here's the deal. You're not especially interesting to anybody here. After two billion threads just like this one, we're all pretty jaded to the whole "I QUIT" thing. The reasoning is always the same, the arguments are always the same, the attitude is always exactly the same. Nobody gives a fuck anymore. And nobody feels the need to re-hash everything we've already said those two billion times. So you can fuck on off out of here, but I can almost guarantee you'll be fuckin' on right back once standalone comes out and it's awesome.
  15. MoronToTheKore

    If they removed backpacks!

    Rocket has already said he likes the idea of a wide variety of apparel, and that he supports clothing tying into inventory space. I see backpacks becoming a bit more rare sometime in the future, especially the military grade ones. But the crux of this whole argument goes down to inventory, and right now removing backpacks would be pretty dumb. But I could stand to not start with one. At the very least it would make the Czech Assault Pouch (or whatever it is it's called) actually useful.