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Everything posted by Unibek

  1. I can't seem to come across an M249 so I'd like to trade for one. So if you have one you're willing to part with (I have enough ammo for it, just need the weapon itself) let me know what you would require in return and we can make a deal. Some things we have that we would be willing to part with AS50 (May need to confirm with buddy if available) DMR FN FAL M24 M4A1 CCO M4A1 CCO SD MP5SD6 SVD Camo (Will need to confirm availability) We have ammo for all of the above weapons We also have some misc stuff like blood bags, cooked meat, antibiotics, morphine, jerry cans, fuel tank parts, engine parts, car wheels, NVGs, etc Let me know.
  2. Unibek

    The Good 'Ole DayZ

    DAMNIT I JUST FOUND MY M249!!!! But I'm in favor of the db wipe... It has gotten pretty rediculous.... BUT even if there was a db wipe it wouldn't take but a few days to start finding weapons up the yang.
  3. This is DayZ right here... slow approach to the game which I find fun to read about. It's about the small victories!
  4. Unibek

    Pepsi/M Dew

    AMP > Monster... but in this case I suppose Monster isn't so bad. edit: I will pick up mountain dew in game whenever I can. I'm a fan boy, what can I say..
  5. I ran into both of those in the north barracks earlier in the evening on a server last night... I wonder if you hit the same barracks I did. Because it sounds like they were in the same rooms as well in an otherwise empty north barracks. If I didn't have my L85 I would of jumped on that M4A3 ACOG but I didn't. Plus I was carrying around an mk48 so I had no room :(
  6. Unibek

    Finding a Home.

    I've always found the north to be the best unless there is an active Huey on your server. It's soooo expansive so it makes it damn near unbareable for people to search (though I won't lie I've done it before) but with a Huey it's a matter of 10 minutes to find numerous camps. The only bad thing about the north is it's a tad bit out of the way and without vehicles it's quite a treck. I'm currently researching new locations that I can put down a low profile camp that is within walking distance to good loot areas. And when I say low profile I'm talking a tent and maybe a dirt bike or ATV.
  7. Unibek

    Is there any humanity in DayZ

    Yeah, that is a major problem... Someone in a Huey was flying over a buddy and I and his door gunner was firing on us. Despite their best efforts they couldn't get us and ended up crashing the heli in the middle of the NW airfield... we ran over there to see if anyone was alive and one guy continued to fight us so I killed him. Clearly provoked I now had a murder and -250 humanity. :( I guess I don't look that friendly in a ghillie suit though..
  8. Unibek

    Is there any humanity in DayZ

    Friendly players exist but they are as likely to run the opposite way as you are to avoid dying. You'll meet them eventually but until then make sure your figure is on the trigger just in case... Just a thought... meeting players at the trade events might be a good idea.
  9. I've probably found 5 heli crash sites since I've started playing over a month ago? I've found an M107, L85, and an AS50 (last night) so far. So I guess some peoples luck is a lot different. Of course when I run across a crash site I seem to find them at the same time , because until last night it had been at least 2 weeks since I had seen a heli crash site. Almost came on here wondering if the game was broken haha. Also, I've noticed other problems that need to be fixed along with duping--server admins rolling back their servers... I'm not sure how many times I've found loot in a vehicle or tent, taken it, and stashed in in my tent, just to find it gone and back in the original spot. I'm pretty sure my buddy and I blew up the server admins Ural. Guess what? We woke up the next day to that Ural being back...
  10. Unibek

    [Trade] Need M249

    Will be sending you a PM shortly..
  11. Unibek

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    was in Berezino when a group of zombies spawned right around a wall at the train tracks. I walked around literally feet from them so they all bum rushed me. I backed up around the wall hoping to bait them through. instead they ran past that opening to instead go threw a gate that swung open and crushed me against the wall breaking my leg. I then proceeded to get eaten to death.
  12. Unibek

    How to fix graphical artifacts/glitches

    My buddy and I have come to calling them "Rape Rays". It's pretty self explanatory. Thanks for the small guide, seems to have worked for me.
  13. Unibek

    My Camp!

    Nice camp bud! My buddy and I just recently set up camp but are currently having issues with tents holding anything. I think we picked a server w/ a worthless admin who likes to revert the server to an earlier time when he loses his shit. The only persistent equipment is what we carry in our inventory. It's even the same with our vehicles. It's like opening a present. Just not sure what'll be inside. We actually stole items from the dudes Ural then BLEW IT UP (and the bus w/ it) just to log-in the next evening to see them both back but moved west a little bit. And yes, all the items we took the night before re-spawned in both vehicles. So this time we just stole the Ural flat out. Have to find it now, bud lol.
  14. Unibek

    m9 or g17

    G17 hands down. The clips for it are everywhere, even more common then the M1911 clips. I wasn't aware that you could use revolver rounds in the M1911 though... The only pistol I would take over the G17 is the M9 SD
  15. Unibek

    Cars spawn with loot?

    I've heard you won't be banned by taking the items in it. It's really the person who spawned it that will be banned. Enjoy your loot, bud! edit: I do want to mention that when my buddy and I run across hacked weapons we typically take them from the tent/vehicle they are in and just drop them on the ground somewhere random. But we keep the legit stuff
  16. Optimized on PC then ported to console is ok with me. At least that makes US the focus. Get you rmoney however you can, Rocket. Much deserved for finally making a legit zombie survival game. Seriously.
  17. Unibek

    Looted a REAL downed chopper last night...

    Yeah, it's unfortunate that admins abuse their power once they lose something rare/precious. 2 nights ago my buddy and I came up on a camp w/ a Ural and decided to take what we needed from it then blow it up. Well, we check the clan forums for that server and the admin was convincing people that the vehicles failed to spawn (when they didn't because we still had our ATVs) after the server upgrade. So randomly the server restarts in 2 minutes. Ural is back where it was. Go figure? Anyway, on topic, The only time I've ran into a heli in game was w/ hackers, still an intense moment hearing the chopper coming from the distance just to circle above you while you're in thick trees. The only time i've seen a REAL crash site was also a hacker lol. My buddies and I were at the northwest airfield when a hacker tried to land his A-10 on the runway. It crashed in a huuuge explosion. We ran over and looted our first ever pair of NVGs, an M4 CCO SD, M9SD, and a few other things. We were killed later at Stary Sober though :(.
  18. It's hard for people to actually be nice in this game but that's completely understandable based on 90% of the posts here lol. Since I don't usually find problems looting (and I kind of find that cherno/elektro gear run fun) I try to be nice. I typically give people the benefit of the doubt even in this community lol. It hasn't bit me in the ass that often surprisingly enough... But even in saying that I am currently in a camp war with another group. So much so that we've basically stayed out of cities/towns for the past 4-5 days. We've been completely surviving off their stuff when we find their tents (which seem to be everywhere in the northern hills). We'll occasionally stop for gas to refuel our ATVs (though sometimes they have jerry cans for us lol). They stole our Ural though so we've resorted to just blowing there shit up--gear and all. We don't need the Ural anyway, 2 players + 2 ATVs is plenty to survive in DayZ. Low profile = FTW. Now if I could only find another L85 after I got my ATV caught on bricks near the south barracks at the NW Airfield which caught fire and exploded...Just happy I survived. lol.
  19. Unibek

    What do YOU carry?

    Primary/s: M4A1 Camo SD, 6 magazines. DMR, 3 magazines. Secondary: M9 SD or G17 (absolute hard-on for G17), 6 clips Medical: 2x bandages 2x morphine 2x painkillers 2x bloodpacks 1x epi-pen 1x antibiotics (if i can find some) 1x heatpack Supplies/food/water: 1-3x Canned Food/Cooked Meat 2x Water Bottle/Soda 1-3x Smoke Grenades 1-3x Frag Grenades 1x Road Flares (useful in limited situations. Still extremely ballsy to use) 1x Jerry Can (Never know when you'll roll up on a vehicle simply in need of gas!) I try to get all the tools possible. And I try to get the best backpack available. Have found the coyote backpack a couple times but typically settle for the Alice Pack or Czech Backpack.
  20. And this is which server? Sounds safe... I like safe.
  21. yeah... she did say she was 14 in that picture didn't she.... lol
  22. I was running around for 2 hours looking for food... I have 3 canteens of water and all I could find was soda. ><;
  23. I want beans ..........like in-game.. im starving to death D: Also, Dr. Phil is already gathering supplies to help my sorry ass out up north. So far so good...
  24. WTB blood pack in Grishino ; ; edit: and food. <3