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About KaitoKid

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  1. the amd support sucks and its shitty quality... anyways... i can play again
  2. the big question to me is: why cant i play but i can see many very full server?
  3. luckiest... unbeatable: i was north of cherno and took my binoculars out... after 1 or 2 minutes of checking i found 7 guys looking straight at me... i wasnt close to anything to hide so i decided to play some trolling games with them and i ran in zickzags right to them in hope they only have sniper guns... i ran for like 80-100 meters... i press Y and ESC -> Abort -> Dc... they tried to shot me with 15-25 rounds and i didnt got hit once... i connected to another server, walked behind there position and reconnected but they were all gone :(... would've ben a happy end to the happy end :DD
  4. Version number: 95883 Apporx. ingame location: NW Balota -cpuCount=4: No Additional info: i5 2500 quad 3.3 ghz, 8gb ram, gtx gainward 550 ti, win7 64bit
  5. i wasnt flaming anyone... i just said i thought that too... cuz it once happend in bf2 with punkbuster... we were recording a new vid for yt and the hp and we all got kicked... on every server... 5 mins later we were able to join and play again... l8 we found out that punkbuster kicked every player on the world... and the rest got banned... maybe l2uub? :3
  6. hehe u r cute :3... no im not dumb i got kicked a few mins b4 my post without knowing anything about it and my first thought was exactly that... but ppl who call other ppl dumb without knowing anything about them r often retarded or something and just try to hide it with calling someone else dumb x3... im sry for you <3
  7. was thinking of that too... so i wont log in for today just to make sure i wont get into anything like that
  8. UPDATE: im above Lopatino now, i rly need some help, im bleeding, at 5k blood and i dont have any bandages at me... but i have some bags of blood...
  9. lol dat was fast xDDD was just checking my emails after posting this and instant a new post xD and the smiley stuff... yeah im a happy lil guy... nah not that little but a guy... and im happy... :D... and its a lot of text :D
  10. hey there^^... i was lonewolfing arround to this point. it was a nice time and it was fun but i want more, like vehicles, not scared of death and stuff like this^^...im arround the nothern airfield atm and i rly like teamplay (im a veteran AND big fan of "project reality" for bf2) uhm... yeah stuff about me: im german so my english isnt perfect but i can yell pretty loud so you will understand me :lol: (deutsche gruppen sind natürlich auch sehr wünschenswert^^) im 18 years old, MALE! :D and atm unemployed so i do have the time to play until i can find a job :D other games (more important to me = first): (DayZ) League of Legends Battlefield 3 Skyrim Css Cod:MW3 my gear atm (thats not everything ;)... just savty first ^_^ ): Main Weapon (2) + Ammo (each more > 4) Revolver + Mags (4) Water Bottle Food Cans (2) Map (2) Compas Watch Hunting Knife (2) Hatchet Matchmaker Binoculars Tent Blood Bag (2) so i wont suck on ur resuplys, but i can give some of my stuff away for a new guy in the group (or someone who died etc.) (2nd weapon, a map and a hunting knife) i just dont have any bandages on me. what do u need to get me ;) : a group with more then 3 members (actual members not planned members, not atm not playing etc.) everybody has a mic and can talk without rustle etc. u do have a place outside of DayZ to talk (ts3 server, skype etc.) u dont take the game to serious but u rnt fooling arround the whole time (sometimes a joke is good but 24/7 runing arround in circles is bullshit :3) u rnt new in this game and u do have some weapons (best military ;) ), resuplys, health stuff (heal packages, painkiller, morphine etc.), ammo, map(s) etc. and the best would be if u r near the north airfield... if not, i guess we can find us ;D thanks for reading and im looking forward to hear from u <3 kaitokid Contact: Easiest way: Skype (umbralya) if u dont have skype or whatever just pm me with an ts ip or with ur questions or whatever :3... TIA
  11. KaitoKid

    Flashlights, Night, Hatchet, Ammo, Loot

    i died 6 times before we played togheter and i found 8 of them just by roaming arround... i guess u r just as unlucky as we r... i played it ,before my friend started, alone and i never had troubles like that before... its since the last patch... or i just dont have any luck... but it still should be playable for guys like us who cant play 24/7 to get what u need...
  12. KaitoKid

    Flashlights, Night, Hatchet, Ammo, Loot

    ok i'll awnser all these posts in 1. i've never found something about the detection range of the military flashlight for zombies so i rly dont want/like to use it while im sneaking and if you turn it on its still pretty dark arround you and its still very hard to find zombies, enemys or allys. so its useless for me (ME!!!!!!). yeah the night thing sucks, i guess we all agreed with that :D yeah i know i can store my weapon in my backpack but srsly it takes way to long to change it + i've a close to full backpack just like my m8 (me czech he alice) + there is a little bug with the bagpacks: if u ty to put something into a full backpack it just disapears... had that with a cz550 :( its a survival game i know but we r so incredible unlucky, we went to the green mountain... all we found there was a coyote PATROL backpack and scrapmetal... and i guess u all can imagine how pissed we were :s
  13. KaitoKid

    Flashlights, Night, Hatchet, Ammo, Loot

    i have the dayzdb open and we were runing through 11 deer stands and the only stuff we found were markanov mags and m1911 mags and stuff like that... and i know how to use the dayzwiki ;)
  14. hey there^^, 1. the military flashlight is gloomier then the normal flashlight (my opinion) and thats kinda weak, we kicked our military flashlights out for the normal one cuz if u get to close to zombies u still have to turn them off anyways so it dosnt rly matter (still my opinion) 2. i rly like the night but even with brightness etc. turned up u cant see shit, im out (in rl) with the dogs every night and i can see ppl and trees etc. up to 100 meters (330 feet) in a clear night and in dayz u cant see anything... we tried to travel without flashlights on and we lost each other every minute or so... it kinda sucked balls cuz we knew every potential sniper in the hills could simply spot and shoot us. 3. i would like to change my main weapon to a hatchet cuz sometimes zombies get agro on you in a big city and u cant start shooting so u have to run out and try to shoot them out of the city... that gets me kinda mad cuz u wasted 30 mins or something to get to ur point and bam u r back to the basics... 4. i get rly pissed atm cuz we were traveling (with our weapons) through 11 deer stands, bor, drozhino, the south part of zelenogorsk, the green hill mountain and the sosnovy pass without getting any new ammo for our weapons, idk why but its rly rly boring like this cuz we have 7 rnds for my remington and 14 for his double barrel shooty... so we rly dont have any ammo to get into pvp or pve (what gets me to the next point)... 5. we are rly unlucky with our loot (our travel route: kamenka, komarovo, bor, drozhino, zelenogorsk, and 15 deer stands and 5 barns (i tried to loot 1 of them 4 times to get some stuff) and we only got: some food, (found) like a million hatchets, a water bottle (im glad for that :D) an alice pack, an czech backpack, a remington, some sodas, bandages, heatpacks and painkiller... NO matchmaker, binoculars, gps, map, watch, compas, hunting knife, snipers, steel bolts (he carryed a crossbow for 2 hours before he kicked it out), pistols, smoke grenades, grenades, cars (vehicles).... we play for 8h straight now and we r rly fast with traveling but it rly gets the moral down if u sneak through a horde of zombies and the only things u find r piles of wood, hatchets and empty tin cans... i think they have to fix or change something there cuz we get rly bored atm... thanks for listening and sry for my bad english (i do have the perfect face-saver: im german :D) greets, kaito PS: thats all my opinion! :3
  15. KaitoKid

    Spawn / Spawns

    ahh nice that helps... ty :3