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About mike@kingpin-seo.co.uk

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  1. BRILLIANT! Had a good game earlier :D Couldn't manage to get the AI's gold pile tho, the AI heli got me :P - but it was fun trying! I'll be back on later today again, after some food IRL etc :D
  2. Great! Thanks :) I will have a try via phpmyadmin in a moment, as I am used to phpmyadmin for website hosting, just not sure about the tables for arma, but I guess I will figure it out with the help of Pegz post :D
  3. Just a quick note to say that I think in your siggy, you need to swap the html code for bbcode :) Or I think the forum may even give you the option of wrapping the HTML in bbcode - but probably just to use bbcode to start with - Gametracker does give the option I think :) Cheers!
  4. I for one an really looking forward to the building spawn right click option on the map, that will be amazing :)
  5. I'm a new customer as from today, so a funny time to be joining, whilst all this is going on! Gotta say this though, I am seriously impressed with your level of effort, and all the updates to this thread :) Well done!
  6. I tweeted a couple of queries to you, mainly right-click on map, and times :P I guess you are already working on it :D Maybe post a quick tweet though, saying they are known issues? - Might save lots of messages :D Just took my server out today, and have sent you a few messages - feel free to ignore all of them! I can see you are working hard to resolve them! For now, I guess I will change default loadout to have NC goggles! Lucky folks! :D
  7. mike@kingpin-seo.co.uk

    [OFFICIAL] -- Stuck at loading screen

    Okay! GOT IT WORKING!!! I uninstalled everything (inc. Steam - a bit over the top, but was sick n tired of 'tinkering'!) Re-installed steam, and downloaded overnight (remeber, you CAN check online which steam servers are running fastest downloads, & switch which you download from!) Ran both Arma2 & Arma2 OA Downloaded DayZ & installed Downloaded Beta patch (For steam: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php ) BUT, I grabbed the '95389.zip' file... Run the exe as admin (extract first, right click on the .exe, run as admin). I had to run the beta .exe installer a few times for it to 'take' I think! Copied the 'arma2oa.exe' file from /expensions/beta to the OA folder (I know don't have to do it this way, but its way I like to do), AFTER renaming the 'arma2oa.exe' file that way already there (added '_orig' at the end of the filename). Then I added '-nosplash -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;CA;@DayZ' to the startup options in Steam. Ran the game... MAKING SURE that instead of just believing the server name, I checking the beta version of the server before clicking join (just click on the server name, then look in the bottom right area, to see the Beta version & be sure to get the right one!). It DID hang a 'loading' for about 3mins, then went into the game fine. Anyway, probably could have gotten away without totally removing & re-installing Steam and all the game files, but I just wanted to do it last night, so it would def. work today! I suspect that checking the version number (rather than just looking at what it says in the server name!) is important guys, as I think some1 said on here before ;). Good luck folks!
  8. mike@kingpin-seo.co.uk

    The Game Is Now Un-Playable.

    Alpha should be about testing the game/gamplay, NOT about having to do numerous updates/downgrades due to the updates being screwy! I am more than happy to test the game, report bugs, take part in Q&A and give opinions on the game... BUT at Alpha, it shouldn't be about trying to get the thing to run in the first place, at least not on NEARLY EVERY upgrade!
  9. mike@kingpin-seo.co.uk

    [OFFICIAL] -- Stuck at loading screen

    Anyone? - The files mentioned below the right ones?
  10. mike@kingpin-seo.co.uk

    [OFFICIAL] -- Stuck at loading screen

    I updated with Six - broke Dayz... Tried to do a manual install, tried downloading the weapons zip file thang, tried updating BattlEye... Nothing works :( So Now I am uninstalling everything! Deleting local game content, uninstalling Steam etc, then going to start from scratch... rjack8 - Could I ask you, what files would you download if starting from scratch (Without six updater! LoL) Install Steam, Download Arma2 Combined... Start both Arma2 & OA, close, then... Would it be: Latest Dayz from: http://dayzmod.com/?Download Latest Arma2 Beta From: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php Have I missed anything? - Steam will install BattlEye anyway, right? Or? Cheers!
  11. mike@kingpin-seo.co.uk

    IF this was an actual game...

    Personally? I would prefer: * A single purchase for the game/mod (would pay whether game OR mod!) * Would be happy to pay for new maps, but not happy to see people being able to BUY better guns, wouldn't be realistic, and would give folks with more $ an advantage! Unfair ;) Whereas if everyone on ANY GIVEN MAP, had the exact same content/chances, but each new map cost a few $$ extra, fair enuf! * Community of Studio Dev is a tough one - Studio could be more polished, but I kinda LOVE the anarchic nature of DayZ, you have an atmosphere to the game that really hits the spot ;) - A little concerned that a Studio may ruin that and make it too 'Hollywood'.