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Everything posted by ANTISOCIAL85


    Do you kill on sight?

    More and more I see people complaining that everyone KOS (which, ironically, makes them also KOS). In my experience, players in-game are a mixed bag. Some are really chill and down to trade supplies or team up, some are ice cold murderers with no remorse, and some just want to be left alone. It's pretty much a coin flip as to which personality you'll encounter. As for me, I usually try to be friendly and helpful to those I come across, but have no qualms shooting first when my gut tells me they are hostile. So, how do you play the game? Are you a straight up pacifist, a straight up killer, or somewhere in between?

    How did your most recent character die?

    On my 8th day of survival, I was wandering around in the middle of the night with a flare in hand a couple of klicks north of Elektro. Since there weren't many people online at the time, I didn't think there'd be much danger in consulting my map at an intersection. WRONG. Several shots, seemingly from very close by, and I'm dead.

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Are you mental? I can barely turn a corner without finding a hacker. Today on Dallas 3, while looting around at BAF, I started dancing, and so did a nearby friendly player. Then BattlEye kicked everyone. Came back onto the server, and an hour later everyone on Dallas 3 was killed. Not only does BattlEye appear to be kicking legit players, but it also seems to be missing a lot of the real hackers.
  4. Polana is a pretty good place. A barn for lining up large crowds, a supermarket for resupply, and best of all, rare player encounters.
  5. My brother and I recently started playing DayZ, and though I'm several hours in and enjoying myself immensely, my brother tried to play earlier today on his ArmA 2 profile, and it spawned him at my location, with the same loot and the same zombie kills. Is there any way to play with two characters going at the same time on the same Steam account (we share an account on the same computer)? If it isn't possible to do simply by switching profiles in ArmA 2, then would it be at all possible for me to create a second Steam account for him to play on without being forced to buy a second copy of Combined Operations? Thanks in advance for any feedback.