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About PinheadLarry

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  1. PinheadLarry

    Best in-game names when killed?

    your entire family
  2. PinheadLarry

    A Strange kind of Sniper...

    Do you also like to sit around in neighborhoods and watch kids "derp around"?
  3. PinheadLarry

    Fucking Humanity...

    good lord, it's a game you shouldn't be punished by having an incredibly low humanity that will take forever to get back up just to play everything a game offers. Banditry is a part of the game, deal with it, don't punish people for playing the game. Give us a way to restore the humanity. Humanity resetting after death is how it should be if you ask me. I've never understood why this community is so quick to troll and flame just for doing something that the game clearly offers. Think about playing dayz without the constant threat of being killed, doesn't it make it more fun? Without that aspect it's a coop find coke and beans simulator.
  4. PinheadLarry

    TEAM rocket, Are you there?

    You paid nothing directly to rocket to get an alpha of the game. Alpha - has alot of bugs(some gamebreaking most likely) <---- thats where we are Beta - getting much better but still shoudln't be released release - support for the game will slow down, should have very very few bugs at this point I don't get why it's so difficult for people to accept there will be bugs in an alpha. He's calling it an alpha because he's working on it. It's like a teacher telling you to make a rough draft of a paper, taking it when you're half way done with the rough draft, and then grading it.
  5. PinheadLarry

    Thank god for the Battleeye bans!

    If you have admin access to the server you're playing on it's possible. All you have to do is add some files.
  6. PinheadLarry

    It happens more on weekends too

    you realize most of these kiddies are on summer break right now and there would be no difference between a weekend and a weekday in terms of how many of them are playing right?
  7. PinheadLarry

    Thermal sight needs to be removed

    I think zeromentor is forgetting that geting a headshot with a sniper (especially the cz) is pretty difficult especially since the cz only has one giant chevron which makes it difficult to get an accurate shot if there's any range excess to the zeroing.
  8. PinheadLarry

    Skins dependent on humanity.

    so just to be clear 7.5 has the bandit and hero skin in?
  9. Someone has parked a gray boat in the no parking zone, if you could please park somewhere else it would be much appreciated. My curiosity got the best of me and it ended up being a trap. As I got out of the boat it placed me on the roof and i had to fall to a leg crunching demise.
  10. PinheadLarry

    How do SD mags work?

    afaik sd mags in an unsilenced gun make have the same audible range for people but the audible range is the same as a silenced gun for zombies.
  11. PinheadLarry

    Ummmmm......Spawned in the floor in novy sobor

    You spawned under the floor in the orange house right? Yeah, same thing happened to me all you need to do is vault into the doorway and hope that it doesn't break your legs on your way out.
  12. PinheadLarry

    Helicopters more common or am I a lucky duck?

    yeah wasn't server hopping either I said i was LEAVING. I mean unless you count trying to get on servers where my friends and I aren't having polygonal glitches server hopping, then yes I was server hopping.
  13. So earlier before the patch I had pretty descent luck i found 3 helicopters in 2 days without even trying to find them. But after today I found 4 (across 3 different servers) while just trying to leave starry sobor. Just wondering if my luck is through the roof or rocket increased the spawn count on these. inb4 stop bragging
  14. PinheadLarry

    Cant find any servers?

    you can still play if you haven't left the server yet, as soon as they leave they wont be able to get into another one.
  15. PinheadLarry

    Can't get into multiplayer anymore

    woops didnt see that