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Bine (DayZ)

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About Bine (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Bine (DayZ)

    New bolt action rifle coming.

    I hope its the CZ 550. I managed 6 headshots in a row with that thing in a medium range ambush from a field to the woods lining an out-of-the-way town. Now I won't snipe with anything else. Its headshots or nothing!
  2. Bine (DayZ)

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    Body paint. I didn't see anyone else post about body paint! I would love to go all tribal american on people ;D
  3. Bine (DayZ)

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    In my opinion they really really should just group guns into classifications. Mosin-Rifle. Uses rifle ammunition. Blaze-Rifle. Uses Rifle ammunition. Then ammo woul dbe a lot less obtuse to new users who aren't a gun nut. They don't need to throw all thos extra information at you unless they want it to be in the flavor text. If they want ammo types like 9mm and whatnot they really really should just go the whole distance. Make ammo a common occurence. The problem? Finding the right types to fit the guns you need. Just... the guns need to be REALLY clear about what ammo they use then. There should not be any middle ground here.
  4. I am of the mind that one has to be careful when balancing zombie threat. There is a difference between -challenging- and -downright annoying-. Being forced to all out crawl around a town? Annoying if the zombies can still aggro onto you. Especially more annoying when they do aggro and take 15 minutes to lose. That is just annoying and stupid. This also helps out the 'lolbandits' camping coastal towns for fresh spawns. Shoot your gun at the player crawling along trying to avoid zeds. Watch him flip out and stand so he can run. At that point he wasted 15-20 minutes trying to escape the zombies tha the has little to no way of fighting back against without getting mauled to death. Zombies should be a threat but it is a very fine line. I prefer them being easy to lose yet powerful compared to hard to lose and powerful with awsome perception skills. The latter is extreamly frustrating. It's not survival when zombies have a 600 yard vision range (it was set like that at one point during the mod) and are near impossible to lose. Admittedly, it was amusing finding new arrivals at the treelines when you see 12 zombies run from town torwards there. It was also frustrating getting blasted by a sniper because some zombie from half a kilometer away saw me as I ate some beans near the treeline. That's really my only comment on this. I love dangerous zombies. I HATE annoying zombies. I want zombies to be -fast-. But also easily tricked or lost. That way some goober shooting a rifle from on a hill may have a threat to pay attention to that would, you know, reveal his location but at the same time isn't an oppresive "lol you have to run for 20 minutes or shoot me" ordeal. It also means some guy isn't going to easily be able to blast me in elektro 'cuz if he stops to shoot he gets smacked by 3 or 4 zombies. At least, after the firsst shot or two.
  5. Bine (DayZ)

    This guy was pretty smart in Elecktro

    I've done this to a couple people on 3pp servers. It works often. Surprisingly.
  6. Bine (DayZ)

    your first interaction with another player

    The general bulk of my player encounters are typically friendly meetings. Though my first one made me shit a brick. I had spent 10 hours playing finding only food and clothing. I typically find either ammo, or a gun. Never both. Ever. My first encounter with a player I had a baseball bat, mosin with no ammo, and some food. I was running along a dirt road and ran into another player. He had a baseball bat and *i think* a mosin as well. We kind of skirted around to opposite edge of the dirt road facing eachother the whole time. Once we were passed eachother we kept going on our own way. Boring story I know but the moment of heated OH FUCK PLEASE DONT SHOOT ME going through my head xD.
  7. Bine (DayZ)

    Friendlies are plentiful in DayZ- At least, for me

    In my experience its about 40 / 60 for friendly / hostile. Shave 10% off the hostile number if youw ant to consider the weirdo's that act odd while chasing me around, persuading me to kill them >.>
  8. Bine (DayZ)

    Rain looks bad.

    I would personally like to see rain in about a 30-50 meter radius around me. Would be nice to be able to go in a house and see it raining outside too.
  9. Bine (DayZ)

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    Meh. I find in 3pp enabled servers 80% of the population is in elektro or cherno laying on a roof in third person. In hardcore those cities are less populated because it isnt nearly as easy to camp. 3pp enabled servers encourage camping inside buildings. While first person only servers encourage treeline sniping. I prefer the latter because its easy to sneak up on those people while those who camp inside buildings with 3pp are nearly impossible to get.
  10. Bine (DayZ)

    Do you leave your morality at the door?

    I actually play this game heavily friendly. I wont shoot on sight. I am a pretty nice guy to boot. However, I do shoot anyone that approaches me calling out 'friendly'. These people that say they are 'friendly' and approach are, in 95% of the cases, bandits that just want to hit me in the head, take my gun, and shoot me. Remember that. Anyone that approaches you when they clearly know you are there is a bandit. In any variation of 'getting near you', if they know youa re there, they are a bandit. Every time. Remember that. The only true friendlies in DayZ are the ones that, whent hey know you are there, attempt to go around or avoid you. Especially if htey have a gun. This means they dont want trouble and that's the only time someone could be friendly.
  11. Bine (DayZ)

    Stories of "Being Helpful"

    In response to the user about my earlier story. From the way the two spoke the guy knew i wasn't one of the bandits. He knew I had saved his friend and that I was armed with some stuff. SO he took advantage of my friendly stance and killed me. Then congratulated his friend for keeping me there long enough for him to get there >.>
  12. I am with the dude above me. I prefer 1PP because I feel its more fair. 3rd person is just... lots of camping. Granted 3pp servers hurt treeline-snipers it's not worth a guy being able to hide in a house and watch me in third person waiting for me to look the other way. Or knowing that I am going to enter the building hes in. Etc.
  13. Meh. You were being a prick. You had no need to shoot him unless it was plausible he was a real certain threat. Personally my response is to stay the fuck away from people. If they dont take my turning and -running- as a sign to stay away and follow... i spin around and blast em with whatever gun i have. Chasing someone screams 'im not friendly'. Same with people who go 'IM FRIENDLY IM FRIENDLY' and then enter the room with you. Then get pissy when you shoot them. If you are friendly you wouldn't put people out of hteir comfort zones!
  14. Bine (DayZ)

    Stories of "Being Helpful"

    Unintentionally but I have before. Recently in a match of dayz I completly missed a group of survivors in another room. There were three and I was looking for food as I was starving. They heard me moving around so they turned to aim at the door. I poked my head in and noticed them quick enough to get out of the way alive. Not unscathed, but alive. Both had M4's and one had managed to hit me. I poked my head back in and sprayed one down since he was dumb enough not to move. The other tried to charge me. I ended up killing him as well as he wheeled around the corner. Then I poked in to kill the third guy present in the room to find out hes handcuffed. Turns out, i saved some random newby who was about to be force fed disinfectant when I showed up. Unfortunately, this story doesn't have a happy ending. After rummaging around for keys I managed to remove his cuffs. Shortly therafter a second guy shows up and hatchets me in the back after he said he was with the handcuffed guy. Then I heard him congratulate his friend on keeping me distracted long enough for him to get there and kill me. -_-
  15. Bine (DayZ)

    Just wanted to share this

    I love how people want to say 'OH HOW DID YOU KNOW THEY WANTED TO KILL YOU?' crap. Sorry bud. But if you come within a set distance of me and know i am there, you're a bandit. Anyone who screams 'friendly' and attempts to get close to me gets shot. On the flip side. If someone screams 'friendly' and is -running away- i let them go and wish them the best of luck. Anyone who is attempting to APPROACH me is only trying to kill me. On topic. I've yet to really have a glitch -save- my life but i sure as heck have had a few screw me over xD. On the topic of sharing stories I got one im sure others have experienced. I was out visiting some random towns wayyyyyyy away from the coast. I wasn't interested in having 10+ bandits hunting for me so first goal is always inland! Managed to find me a shotgun, a few shells, and some rice. Just stuff to tide me over. Some jergoff sneaks up on me while im in the middle of eating. I was out hiding in a bush. I heard him, went to spin around,a nd just blacked out. A minute later I manage to wake up, still with my shotgun on my back, and the guy -just now- walking down the hill with all my food and a mosin. I stood up. Took my shot with my shotgun, and broke his leg. Reloaded, took my second shot, and he was gone. :] Love it when people dont doubletap you or test to see if you are still alive. It's the first thing you are supposed to do after looting someone!