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15 Neutral


About Vices

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Dude, the guy has 4 posts, so he probably does not frequent the forums. He is hardly going to check EVERY suggestion thread is he? No need to jump on him for being eager to post some suggestions.
  2. Vices

    Trading a ghille suit

    Ghille for an SVD and Rangefinders? What are you smoking?
  3. Vices

    replenish blood

    Food gives you blood. Cooked meat gives 800 blood so if you are low, find and kill an animal.
  4. Vices

    Adrenaline Kick

    Sorry i was a bit harsh. Bit of advice - People on these forums HATE people who combat log. It is very cheap and frustrating. Try not to do it, or tell people you do at least.
  5. Vices

    Adrenaline Kick

    That makes me a sad panda. You are everything i hate in DayZ.
  6. Vices

    Lone Wolf VS Group Poll

    Playing in a group. If you trust them and they are friends it is far more rewarding than being a lone wolf.
  7. Vices

    Bad Serial number?

    Try running Arma 2 and Arrowhead one at a time then try again.
  8. Vices

    Trading MNT DEW for...

    Those items together are much more rare than the dew. I do not see why anyone would traid all that practical gear for something that will not benefit them...
  9. Vices

    My Gear:)

    Toolbox. Can be used to repair cars and such, also can remove wire fencing.
  10. Vices

    Survival tips for noobs!

    ^ this. Sorry for double post, no idea what happened o.o
  11. Vices

    Survival tips for noobs!

    If you are in a dark server, run with flares! Flares are a very good source of light.
  12. Vices

    Friendlies in Cherno? 11 peoples say yes!

    I would have been so paranoid o.o
  13. If you have a Hatchet use that next time. Also makes the M9 SD more of an option since things got nerfed.
  14. I do not think too many people kill for the murder count, they kill to cause grief and for the lulz.
  15. It will still attract bandits dude, it will always be part of the game. Sure more people may be friendly but bandits will go there because there are more friendly players.