Newbie that understands it part of the game, but in several servers in several locations Im being gunned down by everyone, people will shoot me while they are in a pile of zombies just to kill me even if im unarmed and moving in the opposite direction. Are these just COD kids or is this a much more bigger thing then I thought.
well the world if f#*@ed then because if we all kill each other if something real happens we are not recovering. And a COD kid fyi is one of the 75% of pre teens that play COD that when the ability to do anything with out a consequence will. or when shooting someone screams "ya suck my ##*) fag" or something as juvenile as that. Have I played COD? yes, do I cheat (on pc) no, do I scream or talk smack? No, do I play games that have Player killing and kill players "just cuz"? No I do when necessary. Am I capable of frustration of starting to play a game about zombies but 95% of my deaths have been from players that were unprovoked? Yes.... But im good now, I was given the chance to rant and ill try and live with it a bit more, friends will be joining me eventualy, maybe ill be able to survive longer then 30 mins soon. Wish they kept chat, atleast I could see if I could get a peace treaty or a simple why on occasion