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Everything posted by Razr567

  1. Requirements: Teamspeak Available?: Yes Timezone?: PST Play style?: Friendly, patient, cautious, sneaky Commitment to RoC?: Commited Time spent on any of the DayZ mods?: 30+ hours, I'm still kind of new to DayZ Previous clan history?: None Preferred position (Read positions)?: Ground Enforcer/Driver
  2. Name: Devon Age: 17 TeamSpeak Name: Devon Mic?: Yep Why do you want to join?: I want to join because I want to get back into DayZ again, (haven't played in a while) and playing with a team is better. I also like to play bf3 Experience in game: I know a majority how to play, pretty decent/good at flying/driving anything Timezone: pst Bio: I like to snipe/pilot things, scavenging is fun, and TLR is best In game Name: Devon