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About crazzy515

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Steam Name: bnorth Age: 23 Location: US Chicago Chat programs: TS3, Vent, Mumble, Steam, Xfire, Skype Equipment on hand: pistol, and medical supplies(just looted hospital) How long have you played DayZ: 2 weeks but ive got the basics down Other info: Been playing by myself the past 2 weeks getting killed, and wanted some more trustworthy people to watch my back.
  2. crazzy515

    New Bandit Clan [Fire Rapid Squad]

    Still looking for people? I'm interested. Im moderately experienced and want to find a solid group of people to run with. I'm from Illinois and have a working mic.
  3. crazzy515

    Forming a group!

    shoot him in the face and walk away :rolleyes:
  4. Name: Phil ($habby) Age:23 Skype: phil.stefan Location: Illinois Experience (how long you've played): a week A brief summary if you so please: I'm not very experienced but I know all the basics. I'm a fast learner and am interested in learning the ropes and having some people to play with.
  5. crazzy515

    Looking for people to play with

    hey if you want another person add me on steam: bnorth Im also fairly new.
  6. im fairly new and looking for some people to group up with. I have vent also
  7. crazzy515

    Looking for a group?

    Steam name: bnorth Time playing DayZ: just about 2 weeks Time Zone: US cent Why should we pick you: Im a gamer and love being the best _______________________