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Everything posted by Anethma

  1. Anethma

    Loot Spawn system study

    Simple. Vehicles respawn every restart unless saved. Loot spawns can be triggered by emptying the spot, leaving the area for 5 minutes and returning. You don't need to study it, we already know how it works.
  2. Anethma

    "Oh, it's night. Guess I'd better leave"

    People use the FN Fal?
  3. Anethma

    It took me a night

    The standalone will still use the Real Virtuality Engine, so we'll lose a few arma features and maybe get a new map.
  4. [Link Removed by SmashT_AU, do not post links to cheat websites]It is possible unfortunately, it's happened to me as well.
  5. I have received a pair of NVGs from a pilot. I already had a pair so I just threw them in my bag. It is possible, but since so few pilots spawn (less than the number of loot spots around the chopper) it feels rarer.
  6. Anethma

    Who's the traitor?

    Very nice, you deserve beans.
  7. Anethma

    Hacker took control of me!?!?

    I imagine he was thinking exactly that.
  8. Anethma

    Hacker took control of me!?!?

    Just happened to me, I had to alt f4 to save my friend. My character started bouncing back and forth and turning weird, I thought it was lag. Then it started cycling through my equiptment. It zoomed in on my friend in the distance so I started trying to turn, apparently that does nothing. On my end I had turned around, but my mate said my character was still looking at him. He started firing (m107) and I just alt f4'd. Friend said my character was still in the server and no disconnect message showed up. Wonder if the guy still has control... You can be controlled by hackers now... great -.- *waits for warz*
  9. Third* Which* The fourth would be this Achievement Unlocked What comes around The curse lingers... (Vague achievements ftw?)
  10. I'll sneak a can of mountain dew into your backpack. Two achievements in one. What have you done... Put mountain dew in a survivors backpack. Achievement unlocked *Muffin Master* Achievement unlocked What have you done...
  11. Do the Dew Pick up mountain dew and survive for 2 hours. Don't do the Dew Find mountain dew, leave it for another survivor, then kill them. I changed my mind Find mountain dew, leave it for another survivor, then kill them and take the mountain dew. Don't try this at home Wear a ghillie suit in cherno.
  12. Anethma

    Note-pads, pencils, and camping tents.

    I'd call it my Orange SoapStone, and I would leave but one message everywhere... PRAISE THE SUN!
  13. Leave it where it is and hope I didn't disturb it. Mountain dew is a horrible, horrible curse. Every time I've picked it up I've died soon after, if I don't die and store it in a tent, my camp is discovered within hours. True story, I once raided a camp that had 3 mountain dew in the tents. After I was done I went back to my home server and put them in my "rare loot" tent. The camp had been there for 3 months and had never been discovered, I went and took a shower. Upon my return the contents of ALL of the tents were gone, along with my atv and SUV... I died an hour after finding mountain dew in a supermarket -.- I no longer touch the stuff, nether do any of my companions.
  14. Same for me n a mate, get spammed with the message on every server then bam... kicked.
  15. Anethma

    Any Australian clans?

  16. That was you? Thanks for the m4 cco :)
  17. Supermarkets and churches have been good to me.
  18. Anethma

    For God's sake, SAY SOMETHING!

    I'm an asshole. You want to talk, I want to shoot you.
  19. Anethma

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game Purchase only (Freemium on DayZ would be terrible) Kickstarter would be good