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Everything posted by capitol

  1. /bite (possible double post too...) youre totally correct, this IS in its own league - i cant think of a single instance where one million people have participated in an alpha testing, usually the alpha testing teams consist of a handful of people (and in the beginning it was exactly that) that provide feedback and actually WRITE BUG REPORTS. however to say that its no longer an alpha because so many people are testing is fucking nonsense. Alpha testing will cease and beta testing will begin once all the key elements of the game are coded and IN, not when your fairytale imagination says so.
  2. sweet! i get to use utorrent for less than nefarious means!
  3. capitol

    Visual cheating - found on youtube

    ^ this. not cheating.
  4. spotted this and im not sure if its a problem with the game or my video card. the item doing this was a barbed wire fencing kit i picked it up and built the fence and the fence itself was fine just the kit on the floor was spazzing out. the kit itself was halfway through the wall of that shack though. Date/Time: 12/5/12 about 3 or 4 PM Where half way between pogorevka and kozlovka What: exploring *Server: AUS2 system specs: Intel q8400 4gigs of ram 64 bit WIN7 geforce GTX 460
  5. i dont have a problem with the speed. my suggestion for a tweak though would be to make the speed incremental, so they spot you and start off at a walk then it takes a few seconds to get up to full speed.
  6. finding a broken UAZ full to the brim with FN FAL magazines.
  7. capitol

    A perfect example of anti fun banditry

    suck it up, if they dont reply just nail them.
  8. capitol

    Turn Off Passive Humanity Increase

    Im all for removing the passive regen, but most problems seem to come from survivors defending themselves in just a handful of instances and then being branded a bandit, most people who actively play bandit will rack up much more than a handful of kills. maybe the humanity drop should increase as your murder count increases, this would provide a buffer for regular survivors who dont actively seek out and murder others but may have to defend himself against another survivor.
  9. capitol

    Rocket has gone too far

    look at that ballistic trajectory, its clearly a rocket and therefore an ingame characterisation of his personality. surely he cant be trying to tell us something?
  10. capitol

    Holy S**t! A must watch!

    hahahha, i guess its fair when they can walk through the walls
  11. capitol

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    so i was just randomly murdered ingame, took 30 rounds to the back. did i see it coming? sort of, i heard him rustling about . im not mad about it, im mad that now i cant even connect back in to go hunt his ass down which means that not only did he steal all my stuff hes neutered my ability to play the game at all.
  12. capitol

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    I thought about this earlier and decided that dayZ without pvp would be like GTA without police. anyone whos played any of the gta titles would have tried that at one point and gotten bored after half an hour. you really do need that competitive element to a game to keep you on your toes and keep it exciting.